J is my nightmare

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Several years earlier.........

J is my nightmare thought to herself Annie.

"Yah!" Annie screamed and punched the wall. She immediately regretted it after feeling the stinging pain in her fist and knuckles while jumping from leg to leg trying to shake off the pain.

"Calm down, bitch" Yoona said to her friend.

"I'm not a bitch you bitch!" Annie retorted back to her best friend. "Who does he think he is to cancel on me at the last minute?"

"Chill girl, it's just a date. Another high school dumbass you know?" Yoona dragged off from her cigarette and exhaled into the graffiti club wall staring at the space. The smoke stung Annie's eyes but she bent towards Yoona and dragged from her cigarette too.

"That's the second time he has done that." Annie barked. "I swear I'mma break up with him if he does it again" she threatened with a fist against the wall.

"Who are you kidding, girl!" Yoona scoffed. "We both know that even Sina, that fucking little..." she hissed through her teeth " Anyways, even she won't break up with him."

"Whuu...?" Annie turned her head towards Yoona with a distant glare. "Is he with her? Does that make sense to you? Did she manage to drag him to her party?"

"Nah, I doubt so" she leaned on the wall and tilted her head back to exhale another drag.

"Why are you so sure? Thаt bitch..." Annie emphasized on the last word "...was trying to steal him for a very long time indeed."

"Oh, be real b..." made a pause Yoona "Annie, everybody is trying to chain him. Even some boys" she wiggled her eyebrows with a sly smile on her lips.

"Ew be serious".

"Ew, don't be homophobic you b."

"Gimme that" Annie pulled out the half smoked cigarette out of her hands. "I need it more."

"Since when do you smoke so much and why do you take from my cigarettes?" she said with a pretended resentment in her voice.

"I'm short on cash again, sorry not sorry. You'd forgive me."

"Why did you piss off your momma again you little..." She didn't finish her sentence. "I'm not gonna let you smoke all of my stuff, I'm short too."

"Oh fuck off, she's angry since birth like you don't know." Annie rolled her eyes to the opposite direction of the smoking room, hiding her expression. "Fine, last one. Imma steal a cig from the guys later."

"Easy dude, she's your momma." she replied with disappointment. "She didn't give you any cash?"

"Nah, I took some from under my mattress for my taxi later if I'm not lucky somebody to send me off home."

"Does she even know you're here?"

"Of course not, why would I tell her? Do you not want me to be here tonight or what? What's with the ridiculous questions? You know her." Annie exhaled a big drag spreading her hands wide with amusement.

"Can't believe it if you just ask her politely that she won't let you. Just sayin'." said defensively Yoona

"Yah. Like you don't know my situation. Conquer and survive. There's no in between in my case. Or politeness. Hah! Give me one more, Yoona."

"Ahhh, you said you're gonna take from the guys." she whined under her breath while taking out her pack of cigarettes and handing it to Annie while wagging to the beats of Rhianna's hit "Shut Up and Drive". "Yo, that's my song, can't believe I'm gonna miss it because of your addiction." she flicked Annie to the forehead.

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