How you guys got together

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It was now your sixth year at Hogwarts and it's been 2 weeks since school started after the summer holidays. You and Tom were best friends despite the fact Tom hated almost everyone and would spend most of his time studying if you two weren't hanging out or talking with his small group of friends. You had your own group of girl friends who you would hang out with a lot, and had caught the eye of a lot of male students from all houses. Tom hated the fact that so many boys liked you and you couldn't figure out why.

One day as you were walking to the great hall for dinner alone, you overheard a conversation between 2 boys.
"Mental he is, threatened me to back off of her, he acts like Y/n is his even though he doesn't even have the balls to ask her out" said a boy from Gryffindor who you recognized from potions class.
"Honestly, Tom acts like he's not scared of anything but when it comes to her, he's scared to admit his feelings, such a wuss" replied his friend.
You hid behind a pillar until they eventually left. You finally got to the great hall and sat with your friends not telling them what you overheard the Gryffindor boys talking about earlier. The whole time you were trying to find Tom but he wasn't there. When you finished eating, you excused yourself to your friends and went to dungeons to look for Tom.
The common room was empty so you headed to Tom's dorm to continue your search. You knocked on the dark wooden door and brought your ear up to it to hear for any signs of life. Silence.
You opened his door slowly and peeked inside and saw Tom sat up against his headboard with a book in his hands. This wasn't unusual to see knowing as he loved reading; a passion you two shared. What was weird was the mess in his room. He always kept his room tidy but on this day his robe was sprawled out on the floor, bag wasn't put away in the usual spot and books covered the whole floor and almost the whole bed.
Tom looked up at you and you could tell he was panicking.
"Tom, is everything alright? You look worried" you said to him whilst walking over to his bed.
"Stupid books. Stupid fucking pathetic books. I only needed one thing from them and they don't have it" he replied trying to not to look in your direction. Then he grabbed the nearest book to him and threw it across the room out of frustration.
"Hey, calm down, what did the books do to you?" You said trying to act stern but failed due to giggling about the fact he was enraged by books.
He then stood up from his bed, grabbed you by the wrists and looked you straight into your eyes with his look that would've made everyone scared of him, even though you've seen this look hundreds of times before, you're still afraid of it. His eyes then softened and he brought your right hand to his face and kissed your knuckles gently.
"I can't find a perfect way to do this in the books, so I'll just wing it" he whispered into your knuckles as you looked him in the eyes. Your knees suddenly felt weak with the thought that your dream of 3 years was finally going to come true. You started to slowly sit down at the foot of his bed with your hand still in Toms.
"I love you but I was too embarrassed to tell you earlier, and I know how ridiculous it sounds, but I truly do love you, and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend?"
The second that came out of his mouth, you hugged him tightly whilst nodding your head yes.
"Oh my god Tom, yes, a hundred times yes" you replied. You stayed like that for a minute before letting go and looked at him. He was grinning from ear to ear before he hugged you even tighter.
"I love you too Tom" you whispered into his ear.
That evening you helped Tom clean the mess of books and after that you watched stars through the window in his room with your head resting on his shoulder and with his arm around you.

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