⭐ The Present Exorcist ⭐

Start from the beginning

Thunderstorm: What the-! Which…means…Insanity is going to kill him!? But we are just mere powers!

Tok Aba: But all of you have different personalities and souls to live. So, you can also be affected.

Thunderstorm: How do you know all this, Tok Aba?

Tok Aba: I- Will tell you, later. But this is not what you want to know now.

Thunderstorm: But- How can he get well, now?

Tok Aba: I heard that the exorcist knows a spell that can help him get out of the insanity curse. But we should repeat that loud either...

Thunderstorm: But how are we going to find that exorcist in such a little time?

Thunderstorm gets more anxious and startled when he heard Solar’s maniac laughing. His insanity is rising by every second. Tok Aba was thinking about the exorcist. Then, his eyes widened, and he stayed still. Thunderstorm was kind of mad from all that anxiousness.

Thunderstorm: Now, what’s wrong with you, TOK ABA!

Tok Aba ignored Thunderstorm’s screaming. Something hit his mind. It was that thought that (If someone is not supposed to say it out loud……who is not an exorcist will get insane. But, what about Boboiboy? He said it earlier! Why didn’t anything happen to him!?)

Even though a person is unconscious, and the spell is said out loud, it would make them gain their consciousness and let them suffer the pain. Which means…...Boboiboy IS the current exorcist of the demons now.

Tok Aba: Wait-!

Thunderstorm: Huh!?

Then something suddenly shined bright in the dark room and when Thunderstorm looked at it, It was right above Boboiboy, and Boboiboy was starting to wake up. But as he turned to Tok Aba, he was found unconscious as Thunderstorm was also getting affected by it since his vision was starting to blur as if that light is pulling his consciousness away from him. Then, a total blackout.

Oh no! He left Solar like that! He doesn’t have much time left before he tries to destroy himself! What could help Solar feel normal again!? Where is the wanted exorcist that can help him?

These are the thoughts hindered in Thunderstorms mind as he fell Unconscious.

Then, later, Thunderstorm was the last one to wake up and see Solar normal, Tok Aba and Boboiboy being awake. What happened will he was unconscious? And that also applies same to Tok Aba.

Thunderstorm: Solar? Are you okay?

Solar: Yeah. I’m fine really. But what happened? Why are you asking me?

Thunderstorm’s eyes widened. Does Solar not remember anything??? Then he turns to Boboiboy and Boboiboy looks at him while sitting on the bed.

Boboiboy: Don’t worry, he’s fine now…

Solar: What do you mean ‘now’? I was fine from the beginning, wasn’t I?

Thunderstorm: Never mind. We talk nonsense sometimes.

(It seems like I was passed out for quite a while.)

While Thunderstorm thinks, Tok Aba asks Boboiboy.

Tok Aba: Boboiboy? How did Solar-

Boboiboy: Right. Since you found out. I’m the exorcist and I cured Solar from the curse by saying, ‘Burn to ashes’. Eh? Was that the one? Yes, it was.

Tok Aba: So- {Goes silent for a minute} What happened Boboiboy?

Boboiboy’s eyes widened, even his Grandpa was forgetting of what happened. Even thunderstorm too. So, Boboiboy thinks for a while and smiles at him.

Boboiboy: I don’t know either, Atok.

Tok Aba: What?

Boboiboy: Atok! You must be really tired! Go get some some rest!

Tok Aba: I could but-

Tok Aba somehow looks out of the window to see that the storm was gone and Boboiboy’s friends might have also left. He had own thoughts now, so he decided to go.

Tok Aba: Good Night, Boboiboy.

Boboiboy: Good Night, Atok!

And then, Tok Aba left the room leaving Boboiboy with Thunderstorm and Solar. Boboiboy looked at them and opened his mouth to ask them something.

Boboiboy: Solar-

Something strikes him not to ask Solar of what happened and Thunderstorm too.

Boboiboy: Never mind. You two. Get in the watch.

With that Solar and Thunderstorm disappeared. It left Boboiboy a moment of loneliness. A time to think for himself as his room remains dark and silent. Until, he hears some footsteps from the corner that attracts his attention.

“Thanks for Covering me Up! Boboiboy!”

That voice was cheerful and as the shadow stepped out, it was revealed that it was-

Reverse Amato. (The one who we earlier met in the story talking with the actual adult Amato.)

I'm done with the 15th chapter!
(I guess it's the 14th chapter to be precise excluding the prologue.) I hope y'all find it interesting so far until now.

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