Chapter 29. The dam of patience breaks

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Shrishti whirled around and unable to keep her mouth shut, she blurted out, 'Have you ever thought that our family loves me so much because I don't have a mother?'

Ishita looked taken aback by the expression on Shrishti's face. Shrishti was glaring at her with tears brimming in her eyes. 'Have you ever thought that they are trying to make up for the lack of mother in my life? You complain that your Mumma does not love you! But you get to eat your Mumma's handmade food every day, something I will never have! So what is wrong with Bua trying to give me her handmade food and making up for the lack of Mumma in my life even if it is just for one meal?'

Shrishti glared at her cousin as all her anger came to fore. She did not even know that she had so much anger inside her towards her cousin. But all the hurt, she had felt since Ishita badmouthed her after her death and took all Shrishti's good intentions and twisted and warped it into something wicked, all that hurt came pouring out now.

'Do you know why Pappa loves me so much? Because I am the only thing left of his wife! I look like his wife and he thinks I am my mother's shadow and I should be treasured so that when he dies and meets his wife, he could proudly tell her that the little child she left in his lap had a good and happy life!'

Ishita blinked, totally shocked. But Shrishti was not done. She quieted down as she spoke, but her words still held the firmness that the words she had shouted held, 'Chachu loves me because he became my Mumma's friend after Pappa married Mumma. He loves me because I am a piece of his friend!'

Shrishti sighed, feeling drained all of a sudden. But she still had something left to say. 'And the most important thing! Never doubt your mother's love for you! A mother will move mountains for her child. My Mumma went through hell to just give birth to me! And your Mumma? She is here to shower her love upon me for one week. Rest of the time though, she has only her Ishita in her eyes.'

Ishita looked down. Guilt was written on her face. Shrishti turned to walk away but then stopped and turned back before looking at her cousin.

'And one last thing,' she said, making Ishita look up at her, 'Everyone loves me because I am sweet and polite and do not throw tantrums. If you act sweet, polite and with some maturity, everyone will love you too!'

Saying her piece, Shrishti turned and stormed away, but not before noticing that her Bua and Chachu were standing at the kitchen door. They must have heard her words. She did not care! She had nothing to hide!

Half an hour later, Shrishti was startled by the knock on the door. She was still angry and fuming in her room. She asked the person to come in and it was her Pappa.

'How are you?', he asked as he came and sat beside her. She was lying on her stomach on the bed, one of her second year textbooks open in front of her, though she had yet to read a single word.

'I am fine, Pappa.', she said curtly.

'Don't lie to me, Pari.', Pappa said gently. She scooted over to him and put her head on his lap. She pouted. 'Why is Ishita so mean? I was trying to be so polite with her! But she was so mean!'

She did not care that she was sounding like a small child. She just wanted comfort from her father. Her Pappa came through as he carded his fingers through her hair gently. She closed her eyes.

'I am not here to scold you.', Pappa said after a while. 'I know you have been patient for days and I actually understand why you got angry. Your Chachu and Bua explained everything to me. Bua has punished Ishita too. Once she goes home, her punishment would start. She will not be allowed any allowance for two weeks.'

'I am sure she would blame me for that too.', Shrishti said petulantly. She knew she was being childish. She did not care.

Her Pappa did not say anything. He just patted her head. His actions told Shrishti what his mouth did not say. He was silently on her side, it seemed.

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