Welcome to your fate!

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Well that was until a weird little planet was shown onto ur screen. It seemed dull and uninteresting but as you tried to click off nothing worked.

It seemed so real...

All of a sudden u hear a voice on the screen which you may of recognized from a object show.

That voice being a cheerful yet confused Sound coming from none other then happy star.

"Huh? Is this the planet with that shiny thing on it?" He went off to check out the place

Soon after you hear his voice again going "Welp it isn't here Guess I better be off!" He says gleefully however when he tried to fly up to space again He came wirling around the planet thanks to the gravitation pull

Happy star was so dizzy he came crash landing back onto the surface of the planet Waking everyone else up in the impact of things.

You can get to see the others on ur screen as it's revealed to be reachy and airy

"...what is going on..." Airy said in his relaxed yet deepish tone of voice

Reachy's hand popped up and waved
"I'm sure I was at that chess area with nori and the other one?" It turns out both of them were confused on there surroundings aswell

Yet again Since this planet seemed so dull and swampy airy couldn't give that much of a shocking reaction to it.

So happy star is unconscious on the grass, Airy is strolling around the planet and reachy seemed to panic a bit.

Reachy decided to follow airy while leaving happy star there. It was all just a blur to him but he woke up to more of a goofy silly voice coming from his sight.

He started to blink and it showed springy? This was something u were confused on while continuing to watch because springy wasn't really a host if anything you would've expected the clock from t.i.m.e.

Happy star only could hear a few mumbles but springy kept shaking him. He heard a sigh coming from springy and then after..


Smacked right into the face by springys boxing glove hand.

Happy star awakes from his slumber and looks still a bit confused

"Oh Your awake!" Springy said relieved. Happy star got up and answered in a bit of muttering gibberish

"Whe...re areee weee..." happy star had a drunkish smile and spinned around like a coin

"I don't know Star guy but maybe we should try to find a way out! Whatta do ya say??" Springy held his hand out and put his over one around happy stars sides.

"Sure.." A soft smile went on happy stars face as he started to levitate a bit.

The camera cuts now to show reachy and airy having there own problems of navigation.

"Is this supposed to be like a adventure game? Where's the portal thingy??" Reachy said trying to grab onto some dirt to move everytime to keep up with airy.

"I...don't know..." airy just mumbled and then decided to just sit down under a tree.

"Why are you sitting here? Shouldn't we go look for something to get us out??" Reachy asked and tried to tap airy on the shoulder

"Hmph" That was all airy could reply with.

Reachy sighed "I'm just going to go get some wood so we can make some fire for the meanwhile...you can just stay there okay buddy?"

Airy nodded and so reachy went off.

Happy star started to recover and talked a bit more proper. "Are we almost there?" He said in kind of a whiney voice

Springy continously guided happy star through the swampy decks of the planet Looking a bit tired.

"We've been walking for hours there must be atleast somebody else here!" springy said in a childish stubborn voice.

Springy hears a voice muttering in the distance and so he assumes it's another person here which could be able to help them out.

He springs up high to check but all he sees is a bunch of trees and dark clouds...

"Dangit!" He goes back down and keeps going forwards with happy star levitating following him from behind.

Lucky for them though happy star started to smell some smoke "maybe we should follow that smoke?" He points to the trail of black fog

Springy starts to smile again "That must be fire! Someone else is here after all Let's follow it!" They both follow the trail  until it leads to the 2 figures

"And done..." Reachy whispered to themselve until going behind to spot happy star and springy gazing at there presence.

Things just go silent until airy gets up and yawns as he stumbles towards the crowded area near the fire.

"wait so do you guys know a way out of this place?" Springy asked in a bit of a pleading way.

Reachy turned left and right which was supposed to signal a nod for no. Springys hopeful smile dropped.

"Well how about we get to know eachother! I'm happy star" happy star holds his hand out to reachy.

Reachy shakes it "I'm reachy, your arm looks similar to me." They said in a curious way

"I'm...Airy.." the unmotivated lantern replied and finally "wellll I'm springy the spring" Springy forces a smile onto his face.

"Wait so you can fly up right happy star?" Reachy asked. "Sure I do it's just I already attempted that and it went *slide whistle sound* boom!"

"Oh dammit...well what about you springy? You can jump high enough to reach to the clouds right?" Springy nods no "unfortunately if I attempt to do that I'll have the same affect as happy star"

All of a sudden it starts to rain and u could hear a bit of thunder coming from the screen.

"Anyone know how to build a shelter?" Happy star asked while shrugging

Airy gets up and points springy to a tree

"You want me to punch it down bud?" He says confused. "Yeah.."

Springy applies and the tree gets knocked down. Airy signals happy star to hold him upside down so that the top of his lantern thingy could be used as a saw.

After a few hours the shelter is finally built and kept together by a few vines. The shelter wasn't all that big but was enough to keep the four of them dry.

Airy goes back to sleep but springy and reachy plot something out to try and use to attempt to escape tommorow. Happy star goes over and lays on the roof of the shelter.

It seems everything might be going wrong for them atleast for now..

Let's see what happens tommorow!

The screen cuts back into static and you could now access the other channels again but you knew it isn't the last u would've seen them...

1142 words :3

The Crazy, the lazy, the joyous and the sane (Object show story)Where stories live. Discover now