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I hear the wind blowing outside. A storms a brewin', as my mother used to say, but that is nothing I have to worry about at the moment. I'm lying on the couch with my daughter. We're half way through our favorite Gilmore Girls episode. Our cat, Penny, is snoring on my lap, rhythmically swinging his black tail over my legs. After a long day at Wall street, this is exactly what I needed. I feel at peace.

It isn't usually this calm in my household. Rent in New York is definitely not cheap, so I work long hours. Most of the week I can be found in the office. Frantically running around with coffee in one hand and a bunch of papers in the other. This leaves less time than I would like for my children. To be honest I didn't even get home that early today. They were just about finishing their homework when I opened the door. I was dripping from head to toe, but narrowly avoiding the storm that would blow in after dark.

My darling Nel had already gotten food for tonight. Pasta with a simple sauce, her brothers favorite. She never knows if I'll be back in time to cook, so she learned to take care of herself and her brother. I wish it didn't have to be like this, but after my husband left there wasn't much choice for us. That's why I like these simple moments.

The little one's already in bed; he had a basketball tournament today. I heard from the other parents it was lovely. He didn't win, poor thing, but it sure as hell wore him out. Nel like to sit here with me in the evenings, and I love her for it. She knows as well as I do that it isn't every day that I don't have to bring work home with me. I think I should probably get her to bed soon.

As Lorelai walks through her house, I hear something. At first I thought it was from the show, but I would recognise that creaking noise if it was. We've watched this episode too many times to count. It wasn't even coming from the tv, but the door. I wasn't worried though. It's probably just Billy. He's been spooking around more often the last couple of days. I wonder what's gotten into him. Maybe ran into his ex or something, but you can never tell with Billy.

I look at my daughter again. Her dark brown curls are strewn over my shoulder. Shes should really brush it more often.. The bathroom is always filled with her hair products, if you can even call them hers. half of them are unopened. Half a fortune spent on her curly hair routine and still no results. I always surprised to see how much she looks like her father. Dark eyes almost hazel in the light and the sweetest round face. But the curls are all mine.

My eyes wander back to the tv, but I'm not really watching anymore. Then I hear that sound again, but closer this time. This is strange; Billy doesn't usually come so far into the house. I have asked him multiple times to stay away from my family, however friendly he may be. He used to scare my baby boy and he needs his sleep. The noise slowly comes closer. It sounds like wood creaking in the hall.

"Billy?" I ask. "Is that you?"

Nel stirs. "Mom?.. Who's Billy?" Her heads falls back down. "Please tell me you're dating again"

"What? no I'm-"

I look up and see him crash trough the door. Too late.

I feel the knife sliding through my ribs.

I hear Nealla scream. I guess she saw the blood before I did.

She'll take care of herself, she always has.

Everything goes dark. 

The Shadows of Timeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن