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Mina’s version

It has been five long years since I made the biggest mistake of rejecting the person I truly love.

Up to this day, the things I’ve said still hunts me but there’s nothing I can do now but to sit and watch her live her life far from where I am.

That will forever be the biggest regret of my life…

To not choose happiness with the only person I know that can truly give me that.

Because I’m a coward and living in this vast world alone and faking smile is one of the consequences I needed to bear.

“Phenomal artist, Katarina, once again amazes her supporters and aspiring artists by opening another gallery in one of Korea’s infamous travel destinations, Jeju Island.

Now, tourist and aspiring art students will get to see Katarina’s amazing art pieces when they get to visit the island.

“I’ve included a lot of paintings pertaining to the beauty of the ocean and nature there is in this gallery I’ve put up in Jeju.” The artist says in one of her interviews…

This has been one of my hobbies now. Listening to news about her and how great she has been on this tiny device that can hide my identity.

I’m truly proud of what she’s achieved. She deserves all the recognition she has now. I wish I can say that to her but I know she hates me by now. I made her give up…

“Mina, time for your make up.”
Hiding my phone away I hurriedly went to get my makeup done.

Yes, I still do ballet. This has been my only escape and where I can truly express what I truly feel.

By performing pieces that reflect what I feel, to hopefully reach her… albite impossible really…

How I miss the times you’d cheer me up, my Chaengie…

But you’re not mine now… I made you give up.

Chaeyoung’s version

Five years…

Five long years since I promised myself to keep the words I said to you on that day. To keep myself away and never bother you again, it has been tough cause you’re always on my mind.

My muse, how I miss your laugh and those smiles.

I know your doing better in life. Seeing you perform for vast crowds, you must have overcome those nerves by now and I’m beyond proud.

Except for the fact that I have to settle for stories our friends are telling me.
I’m still madly in love with the you I knew from way back, but what can I do, Minari? I’m too afraid to approach you now.

My art, I hope it reaches where you are for it’s the only thing I can think of how I can be connected with you.

Jeju that’s where we wanted to go but time didn’t permit us. I opened a gallery there, my love. Hoping you’d see it knowing from Sana unnie that you often the place.

“She really likes going back and forth to jeju no matter how busy her schedules are. I swear that girl is crazy for beaches and nature.” I heard her once ranted to Tzuyu over the phone.

I know I said I’d give up but let me just keep you, at least, in my art…


A/n: long overdue na. Haha

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