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It started a day ago.


"Woah-woah, pause. So, you like RUI?" Tsukasa shushed Nene's mouth, face scrunching up.

"Yes, I do.. Agh! That was so embarrassing to admit! Why did I have to tell you too! I already told Toya and Saki!" Nene's mind was running all over. Because 1, she already knew Rui liked Tsukasa, and she now knows Tsukasa likes Rui.

A little drama wouldn't hurt. She wouldn't snitch on her friends feelings, even if mutual.

"I mean like, how should I confess!?"

"Ooh, so you aren't dense." Nene kept sipping on her tea that Saki made as Tsukasa rambled on, though her face said otherwise, she was listening.

"-and I just don't think that he'll like me after it. We both worked on this friendship so much and if I just tumbled it down... That would be disastrous for our shows!" Tsukasa frowned, and on his side it was reasonable, Nene didn't think so.

"But you said we."

"Huh? What do you mea-"

"You said we. You both worked on it. Even if you guys had hard moments, you trusted each other to build what you have now. This isn't even on the topic of romance, just being a good friend." Tsukasa breathed a sigh of relief as Nene finished, still drinking her tea.

"Just be yourself Tsukasa, that's what usually gets you out of situations. Or in. And maybe the out will be getting out of the first part of a shoujo manga and the in will be in a relationship."

Nene knew how to crack him up effortlessly, like that one time she called him a magical girl. Of course at first he was mad, but he found it quite funny! (That was very damaging to his ego.)

"Well, you're Rui's childhood best friend! What does he like for gifts?? His favorite flowers!? Anything!! Tell me EVERYTHING!! I want to propose in the most beautiful way! One so heart shattering, emotional, and-" before Tsukasa finished his speech, Nene interrupted him.

"No no, that probably won't be possible. You could try though." Nene's words hurt, mostly to his ego. He wanted to give Rui the most spectacular confession! (And hope it is reciprocated.)

"Well.. How did you ask Emu to be your girlfriend?" Nene nearly spat out her tea, swallowing quickly before any of it could get on Tsukasa's bean bag, which he was glad for.

"How do you know Emu's my girlfriend!?"

"Rui told me."



"So, Tsukasa-kun likes Rui-kun too!? THAT'S WONDERHOY!!" Nene shushed Emu's mouth and smiled apologetically. "Sorry, Emu. Rui is a bit near us. He's doing club work overtime." While the two lovers chit-chatted, Tsukasa couldn't help stare at Rui.

Lately, he's also been thinking about the things Rui does. He used to be confused on why Rui loved the plants at school so much, going so far as joining the committee and willing to push somebody in the hopes of a plant not getting stepped on. (Which he is a victim of!)

But, he understands now. It's a part of Rui. He loves every single part of Rui. His passion for plants is the same as his passion for directing, and Tsukasa wouldn't mind staying after school just to help him out with the plants.

Nene joked once that Rui gets boyfriend privileges, being that he can get out of any situation he's in by making that stupid whine face to Tsukasa, and Tsukasa caves in every time. He denied it of course! But, he probably does do it.

Rui is the only person capable of letting Tsukasa's ego loose, but also making Tsukasa's ego sky rocket. (Besides Saki and Toya!)

He looks at plants and asks Rui about them, just to hear his nerdy side about plants. God, he loves Rui's voice.

"Tsukasa. You're staring at Rui." Tsukasa was brought back to reality as Nene elbowed Tsukasa lightly. Tsukasa could only make a tiny frown as he continued staring at Rui. So fondly it made Nene sick.

"You should confess fast. I am not dealing with any of this pining."

"Nene-chan is correct~! You can do all sorts of stuff when you're together! Me and Nene-chan play games, paint each others faces, cuddle, and we have super-duper fun time together!!"

Confetti shot out, and Tsukasa smiled confidently at Nene, as a sign that he was indeed, going to confess to Rui, and quick.

"Good luck with whatever plan you have, idiot."

As the bell rang, Tsukasa got off and dusted his clothes. Rui also got up from his spot far out, cracking his back, deeming his work good enough.

He's really hard working. Well, on things he loves.

"Hey!! Rui!! Cmon, let's get to our next class!!" Tsukasa didn't even have to shout for Rui to hear him, and Nene covered her ears. Tsukasa was too loud for her, but according to Rui on his nightly rambles, Tsukasa's volume is perfect.

"Coming, Tsukasa-kun!" Nene could only describe Rui as a lovesick puppy following around. Mentally, she saw cat ears perk up from Rui as he heard Tsukasa's voice.

Though, I'm happy you trust him so much.

She smiled softly as she held Emu's hand.

"I have to go now, Nene-chan, see you soon!!" Emu smiled and kissed Nene's cheek, pinching it after. A deep blush formed on Nene's face. "E-emu..." Emu giggled and let go of Nene's hand, waving as she crossed the school gates to run back to Miyamazu.




Class was boring. Obviously. He saw Tsukasa stressing over the exam a lot, and even though he was finished, he would send encouraging glances to Tsukasa. And he loved when Tsukasa smiled back, the fierce passion coming back to his eyes.

"... And an 88 in English!" Tsukasa shoved the paper in front of Rui, a proud look on his eyes. Rui didn't have to say his grade, as the two knew full well it was a 100. (Tsukasa stopped asking after he failed a test and Rui got 100.)

But he still chooses to, "I got a 100! Good job, all mighty powerful troupe leader~" he winked slyly and continued to dig his hands through the dirt. Many other greening committee members were there, but he decided to take most of the work.

"Our report cards are soon.. An F does NOT look good for a star! I've already found a perfect college to start my career in, but what would I do without Saki and Toya.." They've already discussed college, and how it was a step closer to their dreams.

"Fufu~ I've also picked one out. My mom thinks I can get a scholarship. But.. I'm just a bit sad that I'll have to leave Mia." Rui's weak smile turned into a frown, and Tsukasa pat his back. "She'll miss you, but that's okay! You can always go back home to visit her. Well, if it isn't too far.." Tsukasa chuckled lightly.

"You're right. Oh! A caterpillar. Would you like to say hello to him, Tsukasa-kun?" Rui picked up the caterpillar in his hand and showed it to Tsukasa, earning a loud shriek from the blonde. "No! Get! It! Away! From! Me!!!!" Tsukasa flung his hand in disgust, and he wished he could punch Rui's grinning face so badly.

"Fufu~! Our dear star is SOOOO funny. Isn't he?" Rui pulled the caterpillar away and continued to work with the plants, and Tsukasa panted. Leaning on Rui's back to take a breather.

Right on Rui's neck.

Rui wasn't one to blush furiously, but he did have a rosy pink blush. And he's grateful Tsukasa couldn't notice it.

"Hey, Tsukasa-kun..?"

"Yeah..?" Tsukass responded, breath still erratic.

"I was thinking..."


Fixer choreo. WE WON!!!!!!!!

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