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Call! Call! Call! - Seventeen

-Play this if you like, it sets the mood, idk

Jeon Wonwoo was carded through the massive crowd infiltrating the school hallway. From the moment he stepped out of his chair in the cafeteria, he hasn't had to move a single step on his own. The crowd carried him along until he chose to enter his classroom.

But such a scenario also increases the possibilities of Wonwoo getting into a situation - something that was an iconic characteristic of his.

Never in his eighteen years had Wonwoo ever seen a day where he hadn't made a complete fool of himself. Be it tripping over a stray cat in the streets, or spilling someone's Americano on their crisp new uniform.

Exactly what he'd done today morning. As usual, Wonwoo was late to school, too engrossed in reading a book in the bus. If not for his senior, his crush too - Choi Seungcheol - hastily calling him to get off the damn bus, Wonwoo would have sped all the way to the other end of town. Neither the blush, nor the butterflies had time to set themselves free in the race against time Wonwoo was caught in.

In the classic Wonwoo behaviour, Wonwoo weaved and wiggled himself outside the bus through several people crammed on the walkway - trying to get off too.

When he stepped out, Seungcheol was nowhere to be seen, and Wonwoo glanced at his watch realising he was really late today. He bolted towards his school on the other side of the street, with his glasses ready to drop on the ground, and slipped into the school gates just as the bell rang. "Shit." He'd just missed the assembly timing. He would consider himself lucky if he could quickly blend into his class's queue.

And that's what he surprisingly managed to do, without coming across any teachers on his way. He was surprised by the unfamiliar mop of hair in front of him, he'd never seen that person before. It was usually the dramatic Wen Junhui in front of him during the assemblies.

Wheezing and panting, Wonwoo stood as still as he could, ignoring his legs wobbling like jelly because of the sprint.

He got stuck in another wave of students by the time the bell finished ringing. the tall dude from the assembly was still in front of him, navigating his way to his class. He was clearly a newbie, and Wonwoo wished he would just get the fuck out of his way. "Imma knock him out if he doesn- oh fuck my life."

Said newbie was standing right in the doorway, looking back and forth between the piece of paper in his palm and the label atop the classroom door. "Excuse me, dude, can you move it?" The 'dude' didn't seem to have heard Wonwoo's polite threat, and still stood in the doorway. "Is he that dumb he can't see the damn class number?" Too restless to wait any longer, Wonwoo shimmied, or at least tried to, his way inside the classroom, and it was all chaos after that.

The Americano that was held in the guy's other hand, Wonwoo swore it had spawned out of nowhere, spilled on his uniform - the cause being Wonwoo going inside the classroom from under his arm that rested on the doorframe.

The teacher simultaneously reprimanded Wonwoo for being late, again, and gave him the standard 'Mister Jeon, your record will be spiralling in no time if this behaviour continues. Detention after school. Two hours'.

The poor guy, who'd finally entered the classroom, was now soaked in the Americano all over (except his head and pants) and awkwardly stood beside the teacher's table, while Wonwoo ran up to his desk at the very back, tripping over his undone shoelaces in the process.

The slow newbie was asked to introduce himself, and Wonwoo paid no attention to the student rambling about where he was from, and how he wanted to make friends fast. "Such a kid." Wonwoo mumbled.

"Mister Jeon! Ah yes, the seat beside you is always empty. Mingyu, go sit beside Mister Jeon." The teacher pointed to said empty seat, and Wonwoo's eyes turned as wide as saucers when it settled upon him - the new kid was going to have to sit beside him for the rest of the year. Their teachers never allowed switching seats, unless the class had a free period.

"Oh Gods..."

"Hi there, my name's Kim Mingyu, I hope we can be friends!" He said holding his palm out.

Wonwoo saw Americano dripping from the palm, and decided not to shake it. "I'm Jeon Wonwoo."

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