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After the whole fiasco at the cafe Rosie gave me a tour of the school and filled me in on  the rules of Rosewood Academy, classes start in 5 days so I have a lot of time to memorize every professor's name and classroom.

Can you believe that we have to wear uniform even though we are practically adults. I had to go collect mine today at the office. The uniform consists of a black blazer with golden strips a over it and the Rosewood emblem on its top left breast, a black ribbon, white shirt, a black pullover, a plaited black skirt and whatever black or white sneakers you have. The uniform is pretty - its sinple yet elegant.

After collecting my uniform I went back to my room - still looks dull and boring, I thought to myself so I started decorating it and after a long 6 hours I'm finally done and I add the finishing touch which is my giant blue teddy bear which my bestfriend - Mabel, gave me last year on my birthday. The bear's name is Genevieve Scarlett Blue, I know its a bit extreme for a teddy bear but I don't care.

Suddenly a thought creeps its way into my head...airport boy. I quickly grab my phone and go on instagram and type in the words "england football team",  verified account pops up and I start going scrolling through it looking for Mr Hulk and suprisingly I don't have to scroll for a long time before I find him, his account is tagged in one of the photos.
I click on the tag which directs me to his account - Jude Bellingham, 23, 5 million followers football player for Real Madrid and England. I started scrolling through his page and can someone tell me how can a person be that attractive???. Just as I was at the scrolling to the bottom someone knocked on my door startling me

"Dahlia, its Rosie, let's go out for dinner" Rosie said

"Coming" I replied

I grabbed my cardigan and my phone and went to out to meet Rosie

"Where are we going?" I asked Rosie

"Bell's House, it has the best food"

"You could have taken me there in the morning then we would have avoided Mr Hulk and friends" I said with a grin on my face

"About that... how the hell do you and Jude Bellingham know each other?" Rosie asked her curiously

"Well we met at the airport yesterday, and by met, I mean I bumped into him and landed flat on my behind" I said cringing at the memory

Rosie dissolved into fits of laughter and I hid my face in my hands, realising how embarrassing the situation was.

We finally arived the restaurant and we ordered the same thing - steak and chips. While waiting for our order I took out my I saw that I had accidentally liked one of Jude's post from 2019, can this day get any worse, I quickly removed my like and hoped that he wouldn't notice, of course he wouldn't notice the guy probably has lots of people liking his pictures everyday so I'm safe.

We ate while having a conversation about the poem , Annabel Lee by Edgar Allen Poe and can I just say that I never want to talk about poems  with Rosie ever again reason being that we are polar opposites when it comes to romance. She believes that love is an hormone produced by human boredom so one should just have fun with it but I believe that love is a sacred thing that one should hold dear to one's heart if ever found, and it should be passionate, maddening and extraordinary, love is the one thing in life that shouldn't be mediocre.

We got to our rooms late at night and I was exhausted so I changed into my pyjamas and and crept into bed. I was just about to close my eyes when a notification from my phone startled me...

Jude Bellingham has requested to follow you

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