How it happend

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Toni: POV
Me Jug, Sweet pea and Fangs were walking down the hallway to get to our class room when this lady who sounded like she was high off her kites said something on the speaker.
"good morning everyone south side high is being shut down due to it being made into a prison, so everyone has the rest off the day to pack all your belongings and go home you will be sent an email of what school you are going to, thank you"
As soon as she said that I couldn't stop smiling and jumping up and down like a baby because I hate this place with everything I got I wanna actually Learn and have fun with my friends not dread going to school every day.
"Yesss we can finally get out of this dump" I say with a huge smile on my face
"Yo I wonder what school we are gunna go to" sweet pea said
"I don't know but I hope it's Riverdale high " Jug said

No one: POV
They all walk to there locker to get there stuff out witch isn't a lot because they never do school work and they head home but just they get in there trailers they get the Email

Riverdale high
. Toni Topaz
. Fangs Fogarty
. Sweet pea idk his real name sorry
. Jughead Jones

Toni: POV
when I sore that me and all my friends are going to riverdale high I was so excited so I texted Jug.

Text between Toni and Jug

Tiny🤟🏼: hey Jug have you seen the email yet😁
Jug🤘🏼: yeah I have tiny I was gunna make a group chat so you guys can meet all my friends from riverdale high u up.
Tiny🤟🏼: yeah that sounds great Jug but tell me now are there any hot girls 😂😂
Jug🤘🏼: you will have to wait and see...
Tiny🤟🏼: uggh I hate you🖕🏻🖕🏼🖕🏽🖕🏾🖕🏿
Jug🤟🏼: no you don't come on I will make the GC now 😁

Jughead made a group chat.
Jughead added Josie
Jughead added Cheryl
Jughead added Veronica
Jughead added Archie
Jughead added reggie
Jughead added Betty
Jughead added Kevin
Jughead changed the name to meet the newbies.
Cheryl: what do you want hobo
Jughead: hello to you to Cheryl
Jughead: so as you've heard me and some other Serpents are going to start at riverdale high on Monday and I would like you guy to meet them but first I will show you what they look like.
Betty: sounds good jug
All the rest say ok
Jughead: ok first this is Fangs he is gay and single

Betty: sounds good jugAll the rest say okJughead: ok first this is Fangs he is gay and single

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Josie: uh oh
Veronica: I sense a new ship coming on

KEVIN: OMG OMG HE IS SSOOOO HOT🔥🔥🔥🔥💗💗💗💯🥰 I JUST WANNA KISS HIM ALL OVERR OMG HE HAS ABBS YESSS THE GODSSSSS HAVE GOT MY PRAYSSSS🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🔥🔥🔥🥰🥰🥰🥰💗💗💗💗💯💯💯💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.
Jughead: how did his name go caps?
Betty:🤣oh Kev
Reggie: I'm in the middle of a work out stop spamming.
Kevin: go away pig brain You are ruining the mood.
Reggie left the group
Cheryl are there any girls or...
Jughead: just hold up Cheryl wait and see
Jughead ok so this is sweet pea straight single and loves sports

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