Chapter 02 - The Attack of the Giga Fury -

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Then, another zoid showed up and revealed itself to be Ninja Tiger, a Tiger-type zoid. Its weapons are Killer Fangs, Ninja Claw Attack, 3-barreled Shock Cannon, Shuriken Cannon, Short Katana Blades, 7-shot AZ Missile Pods, Small Lasers and Twin Lasers. Its equipments are Energy Shield, Ion Booster, Zoid Detection Radar, Smoke Unit and Optic Camouflage. The color of the Ninja Tiger is raspberry. The pilot of the Ninja Tiger revealed to be a lone female mercenary named Veronica Amberley (23), who turned out to be an exiled Empress of the Great Dragon Empire, she was escaped from being assassinated by would-be assassins who were sent by the Admiral from the noctorious faction called Dark Knights, who were currently took control of the Great Dragon Empire. Veronica and her Ninja Tiger joined the fight.

"Need backup?" Veronica Amberley asked.

"Who are you?" Cprl. Juno Bridgings asked.

"My name is Veronica Amberley." Veronica Amberley said. "I'm an exiled Emperess of the Great Dragon Empire. I survived from the assassination attempted by the noctorious faction called the Dark Knights, who were staged a coup and already controlled my empire. That is the reason why Great Dragon Empire is acting differently because someone ordered the troopers to attack the Blue Star Republic."

"Who?" Cprl. Juno Bridgings asked.

"The vile man named Gunther Spitz, who is the current Admiral of the Great Dragon Empire." Veronica Amberley said. "I already explained it to the Alliance of the Nations and told them to be alert about Admiral Spitz' ulterior motives."

"What is Admiral Spitz' real motive?" 1st Lt. Amy Tavington asked.

"His motive is to become a legit Emperor of the Great Dragon Empire." Veronica Amberley said. "The Dark Knights were supporting Admiral Spitz' ambition to become the new legit Emperor of the Great Dragon Empire."

Now Veronica and her Ninja Tiger joined forces with 1st Lt. Amy Tavington and the others and continued to strike down more sleeper zoids. 35 minutes later, they managed to defeat the last ten remaining sleeper zoids.

"That's the last of these sleeper zoids." Veronica Amberley said.

"Tomorrow, the Giga Fury is heading to the eastern front within the territory of the Blue Star Republic and attempts to attack one of the five Republican military facilities." Cprl. Juno Bridgings said.

"It's not just one military facilities. Admiral Spitz plans to seized all the territories in the eastern front occupied by the Blue Star Republic." Veronica Amberley said. "They don't have enough zoids to counter the Giga Fury, since the Giga Fury's capabilities are too unpredictable."

"What do you mean by too unpredictable?" 1st Lt. Amy Tavington asked.

"The Giga Fury's Charged Particle Gun is string enough to obliterated more than 500 zoids with one single shot." Veronica Amberley said.

"I see." Cprl. Juno Bridgings said. "It looks like Giga Fury is becoming a dominant adversary."

Later, Veronica and the others continued to strike down more sleeper zoids. 36 minutes later, all of the sleeper zoids were defeated.

"All clear." Spec. Harry Holmes said.

"It looks like the Giga Fury will begin its attack on one of the five military bases in the east, which is a territory of the Blue Star Republic." Dr. Bray Maxwell said.

"This would cause chaos." Veronica Amberley said. "We need to think a new strategy in order to counter the attacks from Giga Fury."

"Empress Claudia already contacted the President of the Blue Star Republic and informed about the Giga Fury will begin its attack by tomorrow at daynreak." 1st Lt. Amy Tavington said.

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