She pulled out the book reaching to set it on the table. "When you go to war as a boy, you have a great illusion of immortality. Other people get killed, not you... Then when you are badly wounded the first time, you lose that illusion." Her voice was cracking, trying to recite that quote. It was hard to believe he was gone.

She sat the book on the table. Staring at his picture like what felt forever.

"Rest easy, choom.." she mumbled under her breath. She turned to face them all and her eyes met mama welles. "I would like to say a toast." V grabbed two shots as Mama welles did. "To my son." V turned around, pouring the shot down her throat as she poured the other into the fire.

She turned back to face mama welles.

"Thank you for your kind words v. I'm glad your here, it was a beautiful afrenda we gave him."

She reached to pull out keys from her pocket. "D'you know what? You're a good women. Jackie would want you to have these." She handed v the keys, a soft smile on her face.

"Thank you.. I'll take such good care of it.."

"Take care of yourself v.."


V needed a drink after that to wash away all of the guilt and pain she felt. She patted vik on the shoulder as she walked by, giving him a smile before sitting down at the other end of the bar, in front of the bar tender

"Pour you another? For jaquito?" Pepe asked. "Pour. For Jackie.." she mumbled, looking at Pepe, tapping the shot glass on the counter.

"Amen, sister." As he poured the liquor into the shot glass. She poured it down her throat, it burned all the way down. She cleared her throat as she shook her head, trying to get over the taste.

She ordered shot after shot until her head started spin. She waved off the last drink standing up. She stumbled a bit. She just wanted to sleep now..

She was sitting on a bench, resting. She was beyond drunk and needed to get home. But she was tired. Her head was spinning and she wanted to sit in the cold air. She decided to walk home instead of driving, she has yet to pick up her car from the garage and she hasn't been able to call her vehicles but she didn't get a ride from anyone there either.

She leaned back into the bench, messing with the edge of Jackie's hoodie that rested on her thigh. It looked way to big for her but she didn't care at this moment. She closed her eyes, leaning her head back.

"Fuck this cold air feels so good.." she mumbled to herself, her words slurring. it really did. It calmed her nerves, eased the pain she felt.

She could hear the familiar sound of a digital cigarette and a glitching noise..she guessed johnny was here again. 

"Wish I could feel the cold." She laughed a bit at Johnny's statement.

Opening her eyes and tilting her head back up and looking at him. "You must miss being alive huh?" She teased him a bit, making him roll his eyes.
"Yeah I miss blowing shit up and ruining arasaka's life." He chuckled shaking his head.

"I'm tired as heck. Idk if I can make it home, my legs feel like jelly." She grumbled a bit to herself, plopping down on the bench, it was a pretty long bench, her head just barely reaching Johnny's legs.

She stared up at the sky, it was spinning a lot, she was wishing she could see the stars. Her head was hurting so bad, her vision a bit blurry. She figured it was the alcohol and the chip both killing her.

"Just take a rest for a bit, you'll be fine." Johnny said, throwing his digital cigarette down. He took off his sunglasses before Leaning back into the chair and looking down at her. Kid looked tired as hell. She met his eyes, giving him a drunken smile. Making his dead heart flutter a bit. Not sure how but it did.  She 100% looked like a doofus, she thought.

"You do look like a doofus." Johnny teased shaking his head, his hand brushing up against her forehead.

Somehow she felt it. Felt warm and soft.  "You look like shit and your drunk ness is making me feel drunk." He grumbled. "So take a nap I'll stay here, wake your ass up if someone starts trying to mess with you. Maybe then you'll be a bit more sober to walk home, kid." He mumbled looking away from her,  he had no idea why he said that but decided he didn't want his host to die so quickly. Yeah that's totally why johnny.

"Okay.." she muttered softly, her words slurring as she leaned her head up against his thigh, she closed her eyes and She drifted off into a nice deep sleep. She needed it after all, she was still very weak from the incident..

Johnny just sat there watching her sleep, his hand unconsciously going through her hair, rubbing her head. A sigh of content leaving her mouth in her sleep. She kind of reminded him of a cat. In a way. Stubborn, grumpy and a bitch. But looked cute while sleeping ya know?

He shook those thoughts away, his eyes meeting the sidewalk, His hand still rubbing her head.

He'll just let her rest for a bit.


Johnny + V - Chippin' inTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang