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Chapter 4:

"Listen Sasuke, I respect what you got going on here but that's a huge reach." Sugestu said, shaking his head.

Sasuke raised his eyebrow glaring at the fish boy.

"What do you mean by that? Think I'm not good enough for a competent teammate?"

"Pfft- No, just not someone as widely known as her..."

"I'm very close with her. I'm not too worried about it. So neither should you." Sasuke spat cunningly slightly offended

Sugistu closed his eyes and shrugged.

"Whatever you say boss man."

"You guys will stay at the hotel while I go and pursue her."

"Why? She's probably a witch or something, Sasuke! What if she tries to hurt you. Or worse!" Karin complained while latching onto Sasuke's arm.

"I can handle myself. Stay at the hotel unless I say otherwise, end of discussion." Sasuke rolling his eyes.

Karin's jaw dropped as Sugestu and Jugo chuckled.

"Stop acting like children and lets continue moving."

(Back to (Y/N) pov)

I finish getting ready and look in the mirror annoyed. This mission couldn't be more extra. But alas it'll be my last one for a while so I might as well get over it.

Part of me wishes I didn't have to be caught back then, I wonder where I'd be if I was still acting as Miss Americana and doing whatever the hell I want. They thought being a part of Team 7 would be rehabilitation. I guess by some measures they weren't wrong.

But above all I'm grateful for team 7, even if I'm constantly scrutinized by the village and working for the village.

I put on my dress and do my hair. It's a long royal blue dress with gloves. This damn asshole's dress code couldn't be more extravagant and over the top.

 This damn asshole's dress code couldn't be more extravagant and over the top

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Suck it up, finish it. I walk out and enter the gala, there are ninja on every corner watching the highest top to the gardens. My heels tapped on the clean glass floor. The chatter was loud and instantly I saw my target.

I could smell the alcohol off of him the minute I was within 6 yards of him

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

I could smell the alcohol off of him the minute I was within 6 yards of him. The entire hall seemed to be eating, dancing and drinking. He caught my gaze and waved me over. I gave a face smile and began to stride over to him.

"Is something the matter?" I fakely flirted. I knew I was good at it but it still makes every bone in my body quiver with cringe.

"And who might you be gorgeous."

"Just a girl..."I smiled softly as I gently fluttered my eyelashes.

"Would just some girl like to dance with the leader of this event?" he boasted clearly boozed up. I didn't even have to tell him my name and he made it so easy for me. This night will go quicker than I thought.

"She would like that very much" I smiled slightly bowing.

His large gross sticky hands grabbed my arm as he limped through the dance hall.
After dancing for a bit I offered him a drink.

"Would you like something to drink? Tequila on me."

"Pffft- oh please doll face I have the money to pay it no worries"
He slurs trying not to topple over.

"It's an act of kindness, will you just take the drink sweetheart?" I smile wanting to throw up.

"Alright doll face..."

"Why don't we get some privacy first? Maybe head outside?" I say twirling a strand of my hair.

"Mmh sounds perfect"

I smile and slip the pill into his drink helping him outside. He grabs it out of my hands and chugs it. The drug in it is instantaneous, by the time we were outside it had almost completely kicked in.

Killing him out. As I drape his arm around my shoulder I begin typing him up on the top of the railing. The entire party knew how drunk he was, so disguising it as drunken suicide would be completely plausible.

I began lifting him along with the rope tied to his feet to the ground making no sound. Quietly I untied the rope and left him there. Burning the rope making sure there was no proof of anything.

I walked back in the back door and began walking down the empty hallways to leave and find the exit.

I feel a gentle grab around my arm and look up to see...Sasuke? Wearing a dark black velvet suit and a slight smirk.

"Finally found you."

"Sasuke? What the hell?" I say stepping back shocked as he slides his hand down my arm and grab my hand placing a small kiss on my hand still confidently smirking.

"I have a proposal for you that might be interesting to you, or of rescue."


"The village has been keeping you on a leash for a while haven't they (Y/N) or should I say Miss Americana." He said tauntingly as he stepped closer.
My heart stopped for a second, that stuff has been under wrapped for almost 5 years.

"W-how so you know about that?"
I whispered beyond shocked

"I could break that off you..." He said ignoring my previous statement.

I jerk my hand away and straighten my shoulders.

"I don't need your rescuing."
I say regaining composure.

"Isn't it tiring? You've been stuck under there foot for such a long time, I want to help you. Don't you miss going wherever you want. Being free. I can give that to you..." He softly the smirk gone

"Oh yeah how so." I roll my eyes in disbelief.

"I want you to join me.
Many things may be different since we last talked but how I feel about you hasn't." He breathed out, stepping closer making strong eye contact with me.

"And how do I know you're not just using me to get what you want." I sighed, resting my shoulders.

"You know how I feel about you. Even though time has passed, my feelings for you have only become stronger. I know what you couldn't tell me now. You said that if we had the time we would turn into something beautiful. We have time now." He held my hand and placed it on his heart. Every word he said made my heart sink. Every part of my brain was telling me no. But my heart and everything else yearned for him.

Naruto was right, I'm still in love with Sasuke.
My head turned off as I got lost in his gaze.

"Sasuke I-"

"Do you remember the last promise I made to you?" He said, pressing his forehead on mine.

"Kiss me when you come back to me..." I stared deep into his eyes as I rub my hand up his chest.

"I plan on keeping that"he whispers before wrapping his hand around my back.

He gently held my face in his hand passionately kissing my I grip his shirt, I slightly opened my mouth as he took his chance and intertwined his tongue with his. We softly broke away. He softly placed a kiss on my cheek and whispered in my ear.

"Well worth the wait..."

Question...? (Sasuke Uchiha) {Break}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें