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Im layin in my bed watching my insta reels once again n get notification sayin my bsfn on live. I join it n see she otp wit a nigga.. prob tht same nigga they were dming .. anyway. I watch it for a while and feel a lot of jealousy in me.

"oh hey nottii!" I hear her same before clickin off of the live . I js look at her on my screen n dont type anything, no hi, nothing.. "okay.." she says as the boy laughs. "bru tht notti boy dnt like u, buh i do thts all dat matters." The guy says.

Im thinkin, man wtf . Nigga gon takes words out my mouth and nvm i was her bsfn first lets not get it twisted. Man ts pissed me off. I look to see a smirk appear on her face. I roll my eyes, knowing she likes him back. I dont understand why I cant tell her. I really really like our friendship as it is and i mess so many relationships also. I wouldnt wanna ruin our relationship as bsfns.. i just wish we could be a lil bit closer . I need to change my ways.

I lil bit of anger forms into me , making me feel like im stupid. I dont understand myself and quickly throw my phone and then start to secound guess my self and wonder why i did so.. "baby wht was tht noise." my mom yells. "aw thts js my lamp tht fell over." i lied. "oh okay.." she says but she says it like she knows im lying but I just ignore it..

I feel to urge to throw things and cry.. but i dont and pick up my phone to see that its glitching and I cant even do anything to it.. it very very broken. I put my phone down on my stand and lay my head on my pillow and just overthink things..

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its been a while since me n meir been on live talking to everyone. "I didnt know u were known.." Meir says. "Well i am friends with drill rappers yk, Notti is famous, dd and ddot." I say. "and I been ina couple of music videos." I add. "ohh never heard of drill, surprisingly.. but I will ttyl when the party comes about." He says and waves. "alright byee! ttyl." I say then wave back, ending the live after.

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