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📍Sugarhill NY
Lena's pov

 📍Sugarhill NYLena's pov

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I picked up my phone to see that Notti was calling.

I quickly answer cs duh thats my future man frl 😛.

"wsp ma , wyd?" He asked, having his phone set up to where I can see him tying his shoes.

"Watchin Moana, where u goin?" I responded looking at wht he was doin.

"Coming to get u ." Notti said opening his front door.

I heard his footsteps and the wind as he was walking outside.

"Okay but how u gon come get me if u dont know where i am." I asked , bc r u slow.

"O yea u rii, wya?" He asked, stopping on the sidewalk.

"Cherry Apartments, Door 11." I said as i seen him looking around to see where i was talking ab.

"Igh mh, im coming." He responds and hangs up.

As im waiting, I click the resume button and continue watching Moana.


I soon hear a knock on my front door and get up to open it.

"Lena , r u expecting sb?" Kiki yelled from her room.

"My friend is here to pick me up, i'll b back in a few." I yelled back and grabbed the keys off my hook.

I open the door and see this tall boy standing there smiling.

"wsp ma." He says, pulling me in for a hug.

Man that gave me butterflies frl.

"Ouu lena got a bf!" Kiki screams, overhearing Notti's deeper voice. "U sure its js a FRIEND? Lele!"

"Girl stop calling me lele im not 3 nomo." I said annoyed.

She never b calling me Lele since i was like 5 but now she js tryna do tm and embarrass me . 😂

"Awe sorry Salele, didnt mean to embarrass uu sugarplum." She continued

I js push my way out the door bc i was done 😭

"Lele is cute mh." Notti said as he bends over so i can hop on his back as we walk to his house.

"Well not to me so js call me Lena."

He chuckles as I hop on his back, laying my head down on his shoulder bc I was tired.

"U tired." He asked, stopping himself from walking looking over his shoulder.

"Yea, movies make me tired."

"I can take u bck home if u want."

"Nah i rather go wit u 😭" I say lifting up my head.

He puts his hand over my head n lays it back on his shoulder.

I smile hard .


I end up falling asleep as he walked home.

"Lele, we home." He says, putting me down.

I slowly open my eyes.

"Notti whats ur real name." I asked.

"dnt b so federal."

"Boy whts ya gov."

"Ethan Reyes."

"Dont call me dat tho js call me notti." He added.

"Okay cmon Ethan lets go inside."

"Bro wht i js say."

"I heard wht ya said but remember i said dont CALL me lele. But ya did so too bad Ethan." I laugh.

He js rolls his eyes and walks to the door, locking and opening it.

I look inside and see a nice cleaned smellin good house.

"ou who cookin!" I say, rubbing my stomach .

"Oh thats melz in da kitchen cooking sum enchiladas, want sum?" He asked, pointed to the girl in the kitchen.

"Oh im assuming thats ur sis?"

"Yea." He says.

I nod my head and walked to the kitchen to introduce myself.

She hears my footsteps and the alarm go off and turns around.

She stops cooking and smiles.

"Notti who is this pretty lil girl?" She asked , taking her eyes off of me and lookin at notti.

"Oh this is Lena!" Notti told her walking up to the kitchen.

"Well hi Lena! Im melz" She says smiling.

"OUU LENA IS HERE!" I hear 2 voices say and hear footsteps down the stairs.

I see dd and ddot.

"Hii!" I smile.

I give both of them hugs.

"Yall enchiladas is ready come sit." Melz says, laying down warm plates of enchiladas and some little cut up bits of enchiladas as well.

"Amiri! Come on bby!" Melz yells.

"Hi hi!" Amiri waves at me running up to me.

"Hii " I say smiling.

He was soo cute!

"mama me wanna stay wit her." Amiri says smiling.

"Lena is that okay with u?" She asked.

"Amiri, lena dnt fck wit u." Dd says, mugging him.

"Dd ntm, and yes its okay" I say laughing.

I eat and feed amiri his food.

They were sooo good like okayy girl.


We all get done eating and we all head up to their rooms.

"I luv ur roomm!" I said looking around.

"Ty mh." He said cheesing.


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