-• Chapter 7 •-

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~* Sonic's Pov *~
'So, me and Shadow have a thing now.. right? The only thing is, is he meaning like kind of a hook up thing or something serious? Because every time we see each other we dont speak much mostly just.. kiss.. That's his doing though! He keeps on talking about my scent.. which is weird because I he never said anything or acted strange before I got that perfume..' I thought to myself as I ran through Green Hills. I noticed that the sun was setting and my stomach told me it was time for dinner, so I grabbed a chilli dog then headed home to Tails.

"Oh Sonic!" Tails jumped as I quickly rushed in the door. "Where have you been?" He asked me,

"Well, uh.." I paused, trying to think of some excuses. "I went for a run, visited the chao garden, checked up on G.U.N clearing up the leftovers from earlier, ate some chilli dogs, went for a nap in my favourite tree.. yeah that's pretty much it!" I blurted out, partially telling the truth..

"Hm.. okay." Tails said a little suspiciously, I thought I pulled it off pretty well!

"Tails, do you mind testing that perfume I got? I just think it's a little.. weird?" I walked over to the couch and slumped down next to him.

"Sure! I could go do it the now?" Tails spoke, that fox just can't stay out of the lab.

"..Fine, I'll come with you. Also have you had any food?" I asked, to which he shook his head to.

"Alright, if we get going now we can grab a pizza for dinner, sound good?" I grinned, obviously Tails would say yes.

"Yeah!" He said excitedly and bounced up, I also got up and patted him on the head, then quickly grabbed the perfume and left.


"Huh?" Tails squinted his eyes at his computer and I stopped chewing on my pizza.

"What's up?" I said with my mouth full, but eventually swallowed.

"The results from my tests are saying this is some sort of.. pheromone fragrance, but a very specific one."

My jaw dropped. Pheromone?! Isn't that the thing that happens when it's mating season?!
I was too busy in thought to focus on was Tails was doing, but he nudged me and held up two nose plugs.

"Try these, you should be able to smell it." Tails said, then dropped them into my hand.
I put them in, then Tails grabbed the remaining perfume and sprayed it a fair distance away from him. It was only a second before the smell hit me and let me tell you, it literally made me weak in the knees it was that good. I felt my muzzle heat up and realised that I probably looked really weird, don't want to be traumatising Tails..

"W-Why would someone send me that?.." I mumbled, was someone trying to set me up?  Tails said it was a specific pheromone or whatever it is, so that must mean it's specific for Shadow? The only person I could think of is Eggman, but why would he try get me and Shadow to.. I don't know.. have a thing? We're rivals! So he doesn't actually like me just.. my scent I guess..
My ears drooped a little at the thought and Tails noticed.

"You okay?" He asked me a little concerned, I looked up and smiled reassuringly.

"Yeah bud. Cmon, it's getting late." I stood up and he switched off a few of his machines, then we left to go back home.


"Night Sonic!" Tails said as he went into his room.

"Goodnight!" I chirped and also went to my room, extremely exhausted but I had one thing on my mind.

"Goodnight!" I chirped and also went to my room, extremely exhausted but I had one thing on my mind

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Ugh obviously. This day has felt so long for some reason, maybe because so many things have happened and because it is pretty late. Oh well.

Thank you all for the views and votes so far!

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