-• Chapter 3 •-

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~* Sonic's Pov *~

"Sonic, get up," I heard a voice, still waking up from my sleep, so I was groggy.

"Hurry up, Faker," It was then I knew who was talking to me, Shadow. Jeez have I not had enough of him lately?!

I rubbed my eyes and got up, trying to adjust my eyes to my dark room, as it seemed to still be early and the sun hadn't risen yet.

"Why?" I groaned as he grabbed me from under my arms, and stood me up, and I could feel him staring.

"I want to sleep," I rested my head on his shoulder, barely being able to keep my eyes open.

"You will sleep, just let me do something first..." Shadow lifted my chin with his finger so I was facing him, and after just recently, I knew what was going to happen.

I took this moment to close my eyes as our lips connected once more, and this time it was soft, gentle. Who knew Shadow would be capable of soft and gentle?

"I can't get enough of you.." He admitted, before laying me back into my bed, my cheeks warm from the kiss. I would just have to think about this in the morning, I was too tired to start spiralling.

"Goodnight, hedgehog," Shadow spoke quietly into my ear and planted a kiss on my forehead, to which I just mumbled something back as I brought the blanket over my body.

I opened my eyes once more to see if Shadow would leave, expecting his Chaos Control, but everything just... faded.

Gaia, don't tell me this is a dream-

I opened my eyes for real this time, and it was a dream! Oh, goodie.

Dreams are weird man. I tossed and turned in my bed, trying to fall back asleep, as the sun had only started to rise, but it was no use. I figured a run would be good, so I hopped out of bed and put on my shoes. I didn't want to make too much noise and wake up Tails, so I decided just to jump out my window, it's not high up anyway.

By the time I had gotten out and running, the sun had risen more and damn I wished I had brung my phone. The cool morning breeze felt nice against my quills, the quiet mornings were nice and calming. I actually hadn't really thought of Shadow, until I saw him on my way back to my home, buying coffee.

I paused for a moment, just kind of looking at him to see if he was still acting weird, but he looked to be perfectly fine. Before he could see me, I took off again. When I go back, I entered through the front door instead of my window, guessing Tails would have been up.

~* Shadow's Pov *~

That night was rough. I don't sleep often, but last night was one of the nights I could have slept, just for a boost, and with the thoughts that clouded my brain, I got a shit sleep. Exhausted as I was, I forced myself to get out of bed and shower, a shower that was much needed after last night...

'Revolting, what is wrong with me?!'

After freshening up, I just wanted coffee. Not really in the mood for coffee beans, but actual good brewed coffee.

When I left the building, it was then when I noticed how early it still seemed to be, hopefully places were open.

I headed out to a really nice stall just outside of the park that I knew of, and luckily for me it was open. As I was paying, I noticed something blue out of the corner of my eye. Sonic.

I barely turned my head enough so he wouldn't notice that I had saw him, and he just seemed to be standing there looking at me.

The barista handed me my coffee, and when I looked to where he once was standing, he was there no more. Thank Gaia.

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