-• Chapter 6 •-

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Still at the field

~* 3rd Person *~

"Hoho, seems the perfume is working." The fat doctor boomed, hidden in the fields long grass. His two robotic assistants, Orbot and Cubot, agreed with him profusely, just so they didn't get berated once again off the doctor.

"But sir, what is your plan for them?" The red machine asked, Eggman chuckled lowly before explaining.

"Well, you see, I always thought their 'rivalry' " Eggman did air quotes while saying rivalry. "Was something more. As I am a genius, I had created a plan to set them up." Robotnik's assistants seemed to be a little confused.

"So your plan was for Shadow and Sonic to..date?" Cubot questioned, unsure why the doctor would do such a thing.

"Oh that's not all. I had been deeply studying my grandfather's notes on Shadow, and discovered that he had made a concoction of some sorts for Shadow, to help him.. mate. I recreated it and sent it as a perfume to Sonic, nobody else but Shadow can smell it since it is designed for him. So this means, as long as that stupid blue rodent keeps spraying that perfume, Shadow will be all over him. This then leads to the day of the grand battle I have prepared, I will be stronger than ever and capture Sonic. Obviously as the pair will be hopefully in a relationship, Shadow will have no option but surrender himself to me, or else Sonic will perish. After that, Eggman Empire will rule!" The doctor produced an evil laugh at the end of his long plan. Orbot and Cubot looked at each other in disbelief, Eggman seemed to have created a successful plan.

At Shadow & Rouge's house

The two hedgehogs appeared in Shadow's room, clinging onto each other and quickly panting. Shadow gently lay Sonic on his bed, then connected their lips once again as he got on top of him. The pair were so distracted by each other, they didn't even acknowledge Shadow's communicator was going off. Just as they were about to leave first base, their ears perked up at an angry yelling coming from downstairs.

"Shadow?! I swear to chaos you better have some good excuse!" Rouge yelled, slamming the door behind her and practically stomping her way to the stairs.
Shadow loudly groaned, then got off of Sonic, who quickly hid under the bed.
The ebony hedgehog hopped onto his bed and pretended to be sleeping, just in time as Rouge burst through the door.

"Sha-! Oh wait.. shit." The white bat stopped in her tracks, calmed herself down, then made her way over to the side that Shadow was laying on. Sonic somehow managed to stay perfectly still, and he didn't make a sound.

"Shadow, honey." Rouge whispered, slightly nudging Shadow to 'wake' him up. The ebony hedgehog put on a good act at pretending to wake up and be grumpy, although, he didn't need to pretend to be grumpy as he usually always is.

"What is it Rouge? You know I don't usually sleep and I need rest right now." Shadow mumbled, rubbing his eyes and wearily looked at Rouge.

"Commander wants you, he assigned you an important mission. Give him a call please hun. Sorry for having to wake you up." Rouge said and made her way out of the room, closing the door behind her and heading downstairs.

"Why the fuck does everyone and everything have to get in my goddamn way?!" Shadow growled, harshly kicking his bed post, which broke, and he groaned even louder.

"Fuck!" The ebony hedgehog went to punch the wall, but Sonic quickly got out from under the bed and sped over to stop him.

"Shadow, calm down." The blue hedgehog said gently. Shadow's gaze softened and dropped his arm to his side, before his expression changed back to cold and he barged past Sonic and slamming the door behind him. The blue blur rolled his eyes and huffed, them he quickly opened the window and hopped out and speeding back home.

Guys I am SOO sorry for taking like over a week or so to update, I've been in nyc!! Also i rlly hate this and I was gonna do a lemon but I hate writing them and I'm so bad.
Votes and comments💞💞

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