A Shocking Start to a New Life

Start from the beginning

One day, it would be my responsibility too.

I wasn't entirely cognizant of the passage of time. I couldn't tell you how long I spent in my nice, comfy egg at all. But I learned to sense my mother, feeling her massive presence was quite easy once I was aware of it. And once I could pick her out I began to seance the smaller life forces of my brothers and sisters nestled around me.

It was hard to be accurate, but I thought there may be another four eggs in this nest. I wondered what my siblings would be like, and If we would all hatch about the same time.

Truthfully, I was starting to get anxious. The desire to hatch was mounting every time I awoke, but I resisted, assuming that it was simply because I was used to being human, and there fore impatient with the process. Still, it really was hard, staying in this small space where there was a whole new world out there for me to explore.

It was during one of these anxiety filled, wakeful moments, that my musings were interrupted. At first it was a strange change in the mana fluctuations around me. But, rather quickly it turned in to actual physical senses as well.

Normally, Mother was very careful with landing or walking near us. At least, I assumed she was because she was very large, yet i never felt any tremors from her movements.

But today my liquid world was shaking quite violently. One second I was dozing, thinking of what it might be like to fly, and the next I felt a snap in the mana around me, followed by what I could only describe as an earth quake.

And then, for the first time, I actually heard something. My dragon baby brain, not yet blessed with Mother's memories, would not know of what to make of the sounds... But I was not a normal baby dragon, was I? I could make out feint booming noises, what I was sure was a very loud roar, and then the murmurings of voices, though I couldn't pick out the words. But, for voices to make it though my thick shell, they must have been more like shouts than whispers.

I immediately began to panic. this was not good! Not at all. Fear and anger bubbled up in me. Mother would not cause such a ruckus around us, not after being so careful for so long. Clearly we were under attack or something.

It was dumb, I mean I was a baby... But I immediately started kicking and bashing against my shell. I didn't think I could truly help my mother, but I wasn't about to quit without trying! After all, I had brothers and sisters out there, and unlike me, they would be confused and at a loss for what to do.

I kicked and stretched, bashing my little claws and spine against the hard shell, over and over. I may not have a clear concept of time, but I did know that this was taking too long. In fact, not too long into my struggles I had stopped hearing anything out and about my little egg home. But I had already started the process of hatching and could not stop now.

About the same time I stopped hearing the noises, I started feeling strange. there was a pressure on my mind. Then I realized that Mother had started giving me her memories! Did that mean she was fine? Had I worried for nothing?

But... It wasn't long before the pressure on my mind lessened, and It was just my own consciousness floating around in my head. I began to panic again then, though I wasn't really sure why. I just knew that my instincts were raging that this was not how it was supposed to go.

Eventually, one of my kicks worked. I felt the shell give way, the membrane stretching. I continued to stretch and kick, my energy severely depleted. After all, before now I was only able to stay awake for a few moments at a time, and that was without all the efforts of hatching.

With a loud crack and then a rip, my would was turned up side down once again.

I felt cold open-ness all around me, light bombarding my eyes and color startling my young brain. I stood on coals, the liquid of my egg sizzling around me, and shivered. I was stiff and tense, unsure what to to and probably in a little shock as well.

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