The Rescue.

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Your well-being plagued Krueger's subconscious.

His fingers interlaced behind his head, steadily pacing circles around his kitchen with his mind and heart in outright war for control.

Logically thinking, Krueger knew if he went over there that he would more than likely lose his temper and beat the ever-living shit out of König.

For fuck sakes...Their relationship isn't even my issue.

If he interferes now, it will cost him a lot more than just losing his credibility.

Just let it go, Sebastian. Let. It. Go.

On the other hand, his heart pumped his veins with certainty and rule. Warping his mind with images of you coming into work with busted lips, limping and wearing thick, dark sunglasses to hide your black eyes. He recalled the countless times that he would answer those 3 in the morning phone calls, talking you off a ledge because of the mental torment König would put you through.

Or even just the other night...

Krueger's body vibrated with the conflicting emotions as precious time ticks away. If there was a slim chance to get you away from that sack of shit, he would need to act on it now.

"Gottverdammt..." Krueger fumed, stopping in his tracks, roughly dragging his hands down his face. Swirling in his orbs was the deep-rooted hatred that suppressed for months. His hands drop to his sides with his fingers tightly curled, stretched his knuckles as white as the bone underneath the skin.

She needs me...

Krueger turns on his heel then rushes to grab his car keys.

She fucking NEEDS me.

And how right he was.

Once Krueger gets inside of his car, he wasted no time hauling ass over to your house. His eyes locked in on the road, his grip clenched around the steering wheel, squeezing it like a stress ball. The pressure from his hand alone could snap the handle in half.

At one point Krueger was driving 80 in a 45.

Luckily, there were no cops stationed in their usual crevices. Even if one did come out of the blue, Krueger was more than capable escaping the authorities — it wouldn't be the first time.

Krueger drifted down your street, slamming his foot on gas pedal, almost tipping over his car as he whipped into your driveway. Getting out the car, he bolted up the paved pathway that lead to your front door. As he goes to knock, his ears perked and what he heard coming from inside, nearly shattered him.

The faint screams that broke through the barrier of the walls, were ones you would only hear in nightmares.

Krueger swallowed against the lump that formed in his throat, his stomach pretzeled in disgust and his face clouded with an unholy storm of rage. Instead of impulsively breaking the door down, Krueger wanted to handle this in his own way.

To his right was your plant collection. The leaves softly rustling with the cool autumn breeze, all ranging from small flowers like your multicolored lilies to the tall and vibrant fiddle leaf fig trees.

Creeping over, Krueger carefully lifts up your Dicentra's. His eyes beamed with sense of relief, but as expected underneath the clay pot was a spare house key. Without a second thought, he takes ahold of the key and swiftly turns back to open the door.

The front door cracks open and the hinge's creaking go undetected, swallowed by the sounds of König's guttural grunts mixed in with your horrific shrills.

Krueger x Y/N | Fem : Savior Where stories live. Discover now