Beyond Repair.

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The look on Krueger's face when you left caused a pang of guilt in your chest.

It was the same one you get every single time, but this time it held a different meaning...Krueger didn't want to let you go. Unfortunately, he wasn't going to force you to stay either.

Now standing in your driveway, your eyes idle on your broken home with your mind occupied with a million thoughts.

From the unexpected kiss with Krueger to your last screaming match with König. The anxiety of it all, twists your guts around like someone swirling a fork in spaghetti noodles.

Catching a glimpse of your curtains swaying, your heart begins racing, pumping your bloodstream with trepidation.

Inside, König was patiently waiting for you while mentally prepared yourself for what's to come. Taking a few deep and shaky breaths, you leisurely drag your feet to the front door. Your hands tremble uncontrollably as you grasped at the doorknob.

Upon entry, you were greeted with a beautifully assorted boutique of red and white roses.

You blink a few times in bewilderment, taken back a bit by the grand gesture. Your eyes trail up to König, his expression soft and with a hint of what you would like to say was remorse.

"I am sorry, Libeling."

König's apology could've used a lot more compassion, but this was classic König.

This was the same man who goes on a rampage and expects that a dry ass apology to make everything feel better.

Fuck ALL of that bullshit.

Without saying a word, you push the flowers from your face and brush past him. If he thinks he can swoon you over this time with some cliché shit like that, he had another thing coming...

Entering your shared bedroom, you noticed how orderly everything appeared to be, there was even new splotchy patches of white on your walls, concealing the holes designed by him. All you need to do now was paint over them and no one would be able to tell that a hole was there in the first place.

If only it were that easy fix the holes in your relationship.

König grinds his teeth together as he tosses the roses on the entryway table then heads in your direction.

"No, 'Thank you for the flowers,' or 'Thank you for fixing the walls and cleaning up,' or even a simple kiss?" He spews out as he leaned on the bedroom doorway, crossing his arms over his chest.

You kept your movements as fluid as possible under König's watchful gaze, sensing that he was in search for a reason to start his typical bullshit with you.

Noting your deliberate attempt to ignore him he scoffs out another remark."Do you always have to be such a bitch? I'm trying to get past our fight and you're acting like an arrogant child, y/n..."

You pause as the cycle comes full circle.

He successfully got underneath your skin with your blood coming to a slow boil. As pissed as can be you whip around with a piercing glare aimed directly for König.

The smug look plastered on his face only added more to your hellbent fury.

"How the fuck am I acting like a child? Yet, you can go get shit faced at the bar, just to come home and throw a fucking tantrum!" You bite out, breathing heavily like a bull ready to charge.

Drinking was the biggest pain point from the start of the relationship. From tasting jägermeister off his lips when he fucked you mercilessly to the reeking scent of cheap whiskey when he would beat until you were black and blue.

His upper lip plucked up and his body tensing up as his own anger brewed. The chances of König losing control of his temper now were as high as flipping a coin and landing on heads.

"ein Wutanfall?" He huffs in his native tongue, then in a cold and calculating tone König says, "If I were you, I would watch what comes out your ungrateful little mouth." But, you don't heed his warning.

"Oh so now I'm ungrateful? Fuck you, König. No, seriously, just fuck you!" You hissed back with venom lacing your tone.

Before things escalate any further you attempt to push past him, however König wasn't moving any time soon. A low chuckle escapes him as he found it pathetic and entertaining how you desperately tried to plow through him.

Until the faint scent of a man's cologne invaded König's nostrils, his expression hardening and spine straightened to steel.

"Where the hell were you last night?" König snarled, his tone holding a dangerous edge.

Your eyes bug out with the only response you were able to stammer out, "A-a friend's house..."

"What fucking friend, y/n?" He clips, tilting his chin down, glaring daggers through his brows as he cornered you.

As your chest heaves in anguish, your hands instinctively extend out to keep the distance between you two. König's stature towers over you completely as you cower underneath me.

You hold back the tears that threaten to spill over as fear takes over causing your brain to toggle between fight or flight.

All the color drains from your face when König roughly yanks both of your wrists and you slam hard into his chest that stars explode.

"S-Stop it, König!" You cry out in a squeak.

"Then answer me!" He barks back.

As if a switch went off in your head, you fight back as best you could, you managed to slip from his grasp, freeing yourself for the moment.

But König was always two steps ahead of you. In a one swift motion, his hands repositioned, clamping on your jowl with an iron grip. You felt the heat of his breath on your ear as he pressed his face to the side of your head, drawing his lips back into snarl and he growls out in a spine-chilling threat.

"Answer my question, y/n. Or I'll be more than happy to watch the life leave those pretty little eyes of yours."

Unable to bear the situation any longer and through your sobbing, you finally give König the truth.

"Se-Sebastian's! I was at Sebastian's..!"

König draws out an exhale with a vein popping out of his neck as he should've fucking known.

Why wouldn't Krueger come to your rescue? The poor bastard fell in love with you the moment he laid his fucking eyes on you.

"Krueger..?" He repeats cooly as your tears streamed silently from your face. König's hand came up to drag down his face.

The mere thought of the two of you together sent him into a homicidal rage. Nevertheless, he wanted to remind you of one thing and one thing only...

Without giving a warning, König threw you on the bed and you try to quickly crawl away.

Suddenly, his calloused hands grab your ankles, your nails dig into the fabric as he jerks you back and positions himself behind your ass.

"No, no, no...König please! I-I—" Your words cut short when König rips your leggings and panties, exposing your cunt to him.

The way you frantically pleaded, made his cock stiff as a board.

"Don't worry, mien liebe. I'll make sure never forget who you belong to." König says as a devilish smile blossoms on his face and your eyes widened with full panic.

You should've never left...

Krueger x Y/N | Fem : Savior Where stories live. Discover now