22 | The Deal • Part 1

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Golden hues from the setting sun painted the sky, casting a warm glow over the city and Brew Heaven came alive for the late noon shift

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Golden hues from the setting sun painted the sky, casting a warm glow over the city and Brew Heaven came alive for the late noon shift. Ada moved through the cafe, clad in a soft apron adorned with subtle coffee stains, a notepad in hand, as she approached each table with a warm smile. The gentle hum of satisfaction accompanied her, punctuated by a symphony of clinking cups, murmured conversations, an occasional laughter that erupted like a melody in the background and the tantalising aroma of freshly ground coffee beans. The air inside the cafe was an intoxicating blend of rich espresso and the sweet notes of freshly baked pastries. The ambience calmed her nerves.

The espresso machine hissed and hummed, releasing plumes of steam that curled into intricate patterns as Lucy went on with creating master arts on coffee, her hands moving with rhythmic precision. The counter, adorned with an array of gleaming coffee gadgets, bore witness to the alchemical craft unfolding beneath the glow of pendant lights. On the opposite side, David stood at the cashier, settling bills and typing away orders as he loudly repeated them for Lucy and Ada. His voice, though commanding, harmonised seamlessly with the ambient sounds, becoming part of the rhythmic cadence of the cafe's inner workings.

Overhead, the ceiling, adorned with dangling plants, created an illusion of a suspended garden, casting shadows that danced with the flickering candlelight on each table. The walls, adorned with local artwork and vintage coffee posters, whispered tales of the cafe's eclectic personality, inviting patrons to get lost in the narratives while savoring their brews. The soft glow of the pendant lights reflected off the polished surfaces, creating an intimate atmosphere that embraced the patrons in a warm, welcoming embrace.

Life had not been kind to Ada of late, and when she sought an escape, Death himself declined her request. The enigmatic figure made certain she was nursed back to health after enduring relentless confrontations from her family, compelling her to return home. Devereaux, however this time, showed no intention of disappearing without a farewell. In a literal sense, he had taken up residence at Ada's palace, and Ada wasn't sure how to feel about it. It wasn't like The Dark Lord was a stranger to her life but now she was more acostumed to have her life flowing without him by her side. 

Ada had initially resisted when Deveraux proposed awakening the dormant powers within her-the right way this time, ensuring they wouldn't harm anyone, with him guiding her throughout the journey. She harboured no desire to draw close to dark entities like him again. Her reluctance wasn't just a matter of opposition. While she didn't despise him, even after his unexpected abandonment-the last thing she anticipated from her best friend and sole companion-she was just hesitant to entangle herself with the Dark Side once more.

It was rooted in the shadows of her recent experiences with Gan. The scars from that chapter left her uncertain about navigating the realms of the Dark Side. Reflecting on it, she could now grasp Devereaux reluctance to stand by her. In many ways, he resembled her former lover-dark and brutal. Nevertheless, she couldn't shake the unease that lingered after the events with Gan.

A QUEST OF DEATH : Shadows Never Lie (undergoing MACRO EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now