Chapter 01: Number 1

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An: sorry about posting late had a little writers block in the middle of writing this, but I should be fine now.
Enjoy <3

Present Day

Sitting in the backseat of a limo you look out the window, your first song faintly playing in the background. Tonight you performed at The Rage Dome, a popular place where only people who've been nominated for the Lifer award can perform. You were exhausted from performing, your head was pounding, you wanted to go to sleep, and you could honestly use a nice warm bath.

You stare out the window for a few more minutes watching the twisting red roads as you make your way home before pulling out your phone and checking your socials, accidentally you end up doom-scrolling and land on a funny animal compilation.

Suddenly you receive a PM from
Y/N's_#1Fan, the message said "You might not read this but it's my first time going to one of your shows, I just wanted to say you did amazing." You smile at the compliment and respond "Thank you, I'm glad you could make it <3"

"Five minutes until we reach our destination." Your driver tells you making you look out the window and start packing your things, a notification stops you from packing and makes you look at your phone.

You're Number one fan tagged you in their post, and like you always do with your fans you check out their post. Their post consisted of two videos of you performing and 3 pictures of you performing on stage, one of their pictures included you in the background of their selfie. Taking a closer look at the person in the selfie you felt like you recognized their face but couldn't put a finger on how you knew them.

"We're here." Your driver said as he pulled into your driveway, looking up from your phone you began grabbing your belongings and wished the driver goodnight.

Your house was a beautiful cream and tan color with decorations and LED lights scattered around the house, it radiated luxury matching your singing career. It was huge, with plenty of open spaces and art scattered around the walls. Although it didn't quite reach the level of what a mansion would be, it was still huge, with its beautiful architecture and impressive size.

You take your shoes off at the door and replace them with slippers before walking into the kitchen, setting down your belongings, and heading towards the sink to wash your hands. You turn around open the fridge and scan over the contents, settling on your favorite sweet.

You swiftly grab your belongings and head upstairs to your room putting on a movie and start running water for your bath, you finish your food and wash your hands before taking out some pajamas with tomorrow's clothing, laying them out on your bed before hopping into the refreshing bath.

Getting out of the bath after pampering yourself you put on your pajamas and put your phone on the charger and setting it on the bed, turning off the TV, and laying down. You close your eyes and start to fall asleep, but your mind goes back to the familiar face and dismisses the thought as sleep attempts to consume you, In your brain's final attempt to remind you of who that person is another face that appears in your mind...


You jolt up at the realization and quickly grab your phone scrolling through your "Number One Fan's" Account concluding that your number one fan was Veneer himself, you quickly text him and ask why he hadn't contacted you sooner but he didn't answer. Looking at your phone's clock and seeing that it was almost midnight, deciding that it was way too late for him to respond you put your phone on the dresser and pull a Josh Hutcherson and listen to Forest ASMR and falling asleep.

My Star ⭐ (Veneer x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon