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A vague sense  of pain rose from the back of my palm. Damn it. It was stuck on me, like a leech, I wondered how it got there. I managed to pull it off but the sticker paper left marks on the back of my palm, my hair. But It was right here in my palm! How did it go there?

I knocked twice on the door and a smile of a tall brown middle aged woman welcomed me. It seemed like every one around here enjoyed smiling.

“Good afternoon” I greeted consuming every one’s eyes in the room.

Ah there he was, the guy who was staring at me through the window. I guess he was the only one not looking at me at that moment; his face was buried in the book writing something.

“Come on in” the teacher said as I handed the paper to her with a few of my hair stuck on. “Class, please welcome Bibian” she read on the sticker paper. “You may have a sit right there”. Pointing at the desk just next to him.

What? Why there? Of course I didn’t say it loud.

He seemed stubborn, though cute. The last thing I would want is to be interrupted by any guy right now giving the fact of what I have been through the past years, I had came here to study and that is it.

He raised his face with a smirk and looked at me which sent a shiver to my spine. Why was I even feeling like that? It’s not that I have not felt like that before, this was different. Maybe I was scared of him, but nah, he wasn’t  that type of person that can scare me!

“Hi” he greeted. I tried to control my smile and eyes on him but his eyes were so inviting, I couldn't stand them but rather peer around his face. He was clear brown skinned, brown eyes and medium sized nose.

His lips were slightly pink and a smile it bore could have killed me if I didn't stop watching him.

“Hi” I managed to say.

“I’m Travis”

“Can we concentrate Mr. Travis?” I shot a blow to his conversation because I knew it would bear no good at all. A smile never left his lips the whole time; I could steal a glance at him once in a while and smile too though.

💕Hi guys, thax for giving my story time, I know its far away from perfection but hope you like it. Don't forget to tap that star and leave me a comment please. 💕✌🏻😷🖋💕

After class, he started from where he had stopped. “So, I heard madam Neck, call you Bibian, is that what you prefer me to call you?”

“Thats my name.”

“I was wondering if I can call you Bibi!”

“No one calls me that.”

“Ah, I guess am the lucky one hmm!

“I guess so”

“I’m sure no one has showed you around, lemme offer you that”

“Thank you but its lunch time, I’m really hungry” I smiled as I parked books into my bag and stood up to leave.

“Well, in that case, we can share my table” he through his one hand bag on the back and walked towards me.

“What about your friends?” I am sure such a guy would have a group of friend and girls on his tail all the time.

“You don’t need to worry about the, they can take care of themselves.”

“Alright, but I should warn you, I eat a lot!”

“Of cause every one can eat.”

“I mean like a lot.” Shit, I had started exposing myself. When I find good food, I can really eat. Its not a think I can get scared of.

“Well, I can learn” he said.

We walked to the cafeteria silently and chewed on our food for awhile before I broke the awkward silence. He was smiling and watching me all the time.


“Nothing” he murmured with food in his mouth.

“You’re looking at me!”

“I like looking at beautiful people” he said.

“I thought you sit with your friends” I asked trying to change the subject.

“And lemme guess, you thought I would take you there?”

“Mm uh” I think I liked his deep voice.

“Well, they are too stubborn to realize that someone needs time to chew food before swallowing”. He narrated while looking at them. They looked all happy as they laughed and high fived each other.

“Is that the reason you’ve been quite since we sat here?”

“Maybe, maybe not’’ what was that supposed to mean? ‘’Are you a vegetarian? ”he asked looking at my plate full of veggies.

“Not really, it’s just my diet. I take veggies and fruits only every Friday and Saturday”

“So you’ve got a nutritionist or your one?”

“It’s nothing like that, it’s just the way I like it.”

“Alright, well I guess I should start a diet too. Someone told me I’m getting fat.”

“What! hell no, you just great. I mean your perfect.” Indeed he was just fine. I haven’t seen his bare body but I guess he is that kind of guy with it all.

“Am glad someone admires me!” what! Hope he didn’t think I’m flirting with him.

“No, no, no, that is not what I meant, I mean don’t take it that way” I panicked “Um actually… I should go take my stuff into the dormitory” I had to bounce away before I say any other stupid thing, when I start, I rarely stop. He is acute guy but I needed to control my mouth, I needed to be more care full and focused on what brought me here.

“Oh, did I say anything to upset you?” he inquired as I stood and tied my sweeter around my waist.

“No, it’s alright.”

“Um,” he stood up too and collected the plates. “I’ll show you there.”

“I’ll be fine; I’ll get a school map.” I knew I had to stay as far away from him as possible because I knew myself better.

He watched me disappear in the hallway as his friends on the supreme table, as it was printed on it, started shouting, I couldn’t get exactly what they were trying to say, I was trying to disappear from him. What the… was that?

As I had just stepped a foot out of the cafeteria, my phone buzzed with a text, unknown number.

‘You can’t hide forever little girl, I will find you and sure you know what will happen when I do.’ The text read.

My heart stopped as waves of fright emerged beneath my skin.

‘’Listen Nakku, I need that diamond okay’’ he sat opposite her, the only thing between them was the mirror plus whatever ran through their minds, he could not cross to the other side to hurt her anymore. Maybe it was better that way that she was far away from him and he was supposed to sweat needing her help. ‘’You just don’t understand. You are still my wife no matter what, and I don’t think as your husband, you have a right to keep such secrets from me’’

‘’And you, my husband have all rights to kick me like a ball’’ she stood up. ‘’Lets not even talk about secrets right now’’ she motioned away.

‘’Hey babe. I am sorry, alright I was wrong’’ he shouted but she kept on walking. ‘’Don’t even mind about the diamond, just tell me what is in it?’’ he was shouting and every one was staring, but she had already disappeared in the corridor.

Now we are getting somewhere, I know their romance is too Early but good thing they have met, let's see how this goes for them, don't hesitate to leave a comment of what you think and that vote please. 💕✌🏻😷🖋💕

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