Chapter 10: Pyxis

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Nagal's aim was steady towards Franco. He didn't hesitate and ready to pull the trigger, killing the man which definitely reduce the reward for the bounty. However as he tried to pull the trigger, a scissor was pierced under Nagal's right arm. Nagal dropped his gun and he saw a kid under him, he was short and small, but Nagal could see a rage from his face. The kid trying to grab the weapon so he could bring it somewhere safe, away from Nagal. But Nagal's reflect was to kick the kid. The kid was pushed away from the weapon with Nagal's sturdy foot. Nagal didn't want the kid to touch the gun, it was still in the inflicting mode. If Franco or the kid hold it and shoot Nagal with it, he'll definitely won't survive.

"Gian, come here!!," Franco shouted. He asked Gian to follow him to the control room where the door could actually withstand the damage that could be done by Nagal's gun. Nagal grabbed the gun that was in the floor and quickly change it to paralyzing mode, because now he realized there were children involved. He didn't want to mess with the Nebula Corps, which act as an intergalactic police during that time. A heavy punishment would be sanctioned for a person who killed civilians. However, since Nagal took a long time to think about this, he aimed and shot the gun a bit late. The blue laser that came out from Nagal's gun hit the steel door as Franco tried to close it.

Nagal kept shooting at the door, there might be some kind of small laser marks on the door but it didn't actually break it. He put his ear on the door to listen whether Franco and Gian had a conversation inside, but the sound was muffled. Then, he took out some kind of electric hammer from his backpack. The shape was tiny in the beginning, but it expanded to a two-handed weapon. Nagal swung it to break the door but it didn't have much effects, only blunt marks. 

"Barry, could you unlock the door to the control room?" Nagal talked through his earpiece.

"No I can't,  my device was for tracking only, it couldn't take control of the ship." answered Barry.

Nagal closed his eyes and held his anger inside, he realized that in situation like this, he need to think. The mission had broken down, Franco and Gian would definitely not coming out from the room. Now what should he do, he checked whether there's ventilation in the ceiling where he could went through. There was one but it couldn't contain his body. He looked back to the hall way where he was coming from. There were two doors, on the left and right, he ran towards them. The door on the right was locked tight, probably because Franco had shut it before. The door on the left was when the boy came from. I thought Widja already drugged him, why was he still able to wake up?  He peeked inside, he saw another boy sleeping in the bed.

He had some ideas, but he was too afraid to consult it with Hurg. The thing was that now, he was determined to kill Franco. Turns out that Franco was a significant person in Nagal's past that  indirectly created what Nagal is in the present. He turned off the comms from his earpiece, and proceed with his own plan.


Widja was standing inside Cosmos waiting for Nagal carrying unconscious Franco to the ship, and she should be ready to open the door. She could see Carina, Franco's ship, broken and not moving. She saw two figures coming out from the hole that Nagal broke before. Both of them were wearing grey spacesuits and helmets. One figure seems like a rag doll, attached with another figure who was currently welding back Carina's broken door. It seems like Nagal sealed the door back so the person inside could not follow him back to Cosmos.

Nagal carried another body with his hand. The backpack that was used to store things before turned out to be able to function as a jetpack as well. The two figures approaching Cosmos, Widja came to the intercom and ask for the password. Nagal answered back the code perfectly well. Once Widja opened the door, Nagal got in carrying a smaller figure. Widja could see now that there's no way Franco was that tiny, but she was too afraid too ask. 

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