Chapter 2: Cassiopeia

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A 7-year-old Elio was standing near the window. This is the first time he boarded on the spaceship, and already astounded by the unending view. The stars shining were as bright as the sparkle in his eyes. He said in his heart if only I could stand here and stare at this the whole time without thinking about my life, I would gladly enjoy the rest of my life. That statement didn't hold as long as he thought. Elio noticed a shadow behind him, he turned his head even though he already know who was it. Franco, his dad, picked his up, pulling him to his chest, carrying him while laughing for a bit with a fatherly smile in his lips.

"How are you my boy?", Franco put Elio down on the floor, then asked Elio to sit beside him, looking up to the big window.

"I love it here, Dad, can we stay here the whole time?" Elio innocently asked his dad.

"Well, the whole time is a bit extreme, but I guess we'll stay here for an uncertain period of time." his dad answered without saying a definite answer.

Elio was not sure how to respond, part of him want to leave the planet where he used to live, he was always feel like he was being caged, going to the same place, his elementary school. Trapped in a continuous routine, and he felt like all his life was on a loop despite going through visible progresses. But he was still a child back then, easily swayed by short-term goal. Elio thought of going from one planet to another, observing the civilization, making new friends, and embracing new culture. That time, he was eager to join his father's spaceship.

That moment on the window was the first day Elio boarded the ship and it already departed from New Earth. He and his father were staring at the window and looking at the visible planets. Then his dad pointed to a certain planet that is a bit far away, where normal eyes can't even tell the specific color of the planet.

"Elio, you see that one on the left side?" Franco pointed with a finger so that Elio can see where to look at.

"Yeah, I saw a really small planet there, or is it a satellite?" Elio answered but still has question marks in it

"No, it's not satellite Elio. Remember, satellite means that it orbits a bigger planet. You don't see any other bigger planet, right?" Franco explained calmly and patiently.

"Oh, yeah, right." Elio agreed, but he already understood the meaning of satellite. The reason why he was confused was that he was pretty sure he saw a bigger planet behind it, but it seems that it's gone now. Or maybe it was only Elio's imagination.

"So, tell me, Elio, what do you see in that planet?" Franco continued with his question.

Elio began to squint his eyes to see further. His vision suddenly changed from normal to an enhanced one, like a camera zooming in but in a near infinite distance. His vision is starting to go through any objects that was between the planets and his eyes, making all the things that he sees in the planet uninterrupted. He saw two colors, bright blue and sandy brown. The blue part was a vast ocean covering most of the planet, and the brown part were the sands on the beaches. It only has two elements on that planet, and it seems like both was spread randomly. The planet was beautiful, like a planet dedicated for holidays where it was always summer paradise. However, Elio couldn't detect any living thing there.

"It's a planet full of beaches, Dad, you can see it too right?" Elio chuckled and looked at his dad which is also squinting his eyes to look at the planet.

"Yeah, I can see it alright, it's just that my vision was not as good as when I was young." Franco smiled while giving the reason to his son. Although Elio can feel that there was another hidden expression that Franco tried to make. Because of that Elio asked him once more.

"Do all the humans have these talent, Dad? Seeing from far away like we do?" Elio confirmed the facts to Franco.

"Yeah of course, we all can do that, but the ability itself will always be deteriorating as we grow older." Franco explaining why his vision was not as good as Elio's.

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