Chapter twelve: glimpse of past

Start from the beginning

"You should know that you are a pain in the ass"

Jimin's annoyed expression had no effect on the mentioned person. Taehyung stood up and walked close to him.

"Maybe sometimes I am but majorly I can be the reason for pain in someone's ass."

Taehyung had a smug look plastered on his face, he had faith in his flirting skills and that only increased by seeing a little pink hue on jimin's cheek. Jimin just pushed him away trying to maintain as much distance as possible.

"Stop uttering such things," he glared at him and moved out of the cabin, followed by the lovesick CEO. Jimin entered inside the elevator pressing the button for the ground floor but was soon invaded by the presence of taehyung.

"Can't you leave me alone"

"Why are you so worked up, don't tell me you were jealous because I flirted with her, c'mon Jimin she's 40 and also married"

"Stop joking why would I be jealous, I was just angry because you wasted my time by distracting her"

Jimin faced the other side to avoid the irritating person, but maybe some different problems were waiting for them as the lift halted abruptly, and began to shake at sudden occurrence. Both of them tried to balance themselves but failed miserably. Jimin tried pressing the alarm but nothing happened suddenly the light started flickering.

"J-Jimin what's...happening"

A shaky voice felt in jimin's ears grabbing his attention towards the source. A distressed expression could be seen on taehyung's face, the shaking lift ceased while the light dimed. Jimin reached the shaky personality trying to keep him stable. Taehyung's breath became uneven, jimin caught him before he could fall on the ground, he made him sit on the lift floor. Jimin could sense the horrified expression on his face, he was trembling like a leaf.

"Taehyung calm down, it is just a minor problem we will be out soon you are safe."

Being a doctor he was aware that assuring the person should be the foremost concern. He rubbed his head to calm him.

"I-It's no-ot safe-e...ple-ease let-t me o-out" his broken syllables were the proof of his growing anxiety, tears started falling from his eyes, his situation worsening. Jimin held his face wiping the flowing tears.

"It is safe I am here for you, taehyung look at me, nothing will happen to you"

Jimin worries also started to increase but he tried to support him as much as possible, one thing was confirm that it not a small fear that is invading taehyung he had experienced this before in some way, causing his brain to resurface those memories. Taehyung felt his forgotten memories hitting him like a truck. A certain shadow of a wrathful person flashed in front of his eyes making his state more miserable.

"Pl-l-lease d-don't...leave-e me he-ere, i-i-i can't br-reath, i prom-m-mise tae-e wi-ill not do that ag-gain"

He stuttered hiding his face in his palms, shifting away from jimin's grasp as if trying to get rid of those images popping inside his head. Jimin moved closer to him trying to hold him but was pushed harshly resulting in a little sprain in his arms. Jimin ignoring his paining hand focused back on him only to find taehyung curled up in a ball, attempting to hide himself from everything.

 Jimin ignoring his paining hand focused back on him only to find taehyung curled up in a ball, attempting to hide himself from everything

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"P-Please d-don't leave me-e, t-tae will f-f-follow your ev-very or-rder"

Taehyung's brain messed up his thoughts he could not notice the place or person he was with, the only thing he felt was like he was drowning in the darkness no matter how hard he tried he couldn't come up to the surface where he could find a reliable person waiting for him.

Jimin sensing his vulnerability and sought another way to approach him. He sat close to him maintaining a considerable distance between them not to trigger him. At this point jimin himself had tears brimming in his eyes, it hurt him to see the annoyingly cheerful person in this condition, he didn't know what happened to him but whatever it was had hurt the taller immensely leaving a bigger scar in his heart.

"Tae I will not hurt you i promise please look at me, how can I help you if you behave like that. You want to go outside right?"

Taehyung lifted his head a little to glance at the person but hid it back in his arms not believing those words.

"You-u are will-l lock me-e a-a-again, i-i am a-a bad-d bo-oy"

Jimin wiped the tears that were falling from his eyes.

"I won't do that love, you are a good boy. I am not lying, you are my bear why would I do that to you."

Taehyung glanced at him again, focusing his attention on the assuring words, he saw jimin's smile as if like a medicine his horrified vision replaced by a certain smily boy who called him bear, he tried overcoming his fears he inched a little closer hoping to grasp the light to his darkness.



Taehyung hugged him tightly sobbing his heart out, jimin returned the embrace with the same warmth striving his best to distract the other from his disturbing thoughts. He could feel him calming a bit, his breathing stable no more choking.

"You are completely fine bear, I am with you"

"Please st-top it Jimin I-I can't breath here, let me out-t"

Taehyung still wasn't able to breath properly, jimin just wished for security to open the door quickly. He heard some sounds outside the door indicating that people were operating the lift. A sigh of relief escaped from Jimin's lips, he just hoped that taehyung would be calm till the door opened.

After a few minutes of rustling, a small ray of light entered the lift as the door opened slightly. Taehyung flinched a little at the noise glancing at the light source. Jimin held his hands tightly.

"Look we are about to get out," jimin smiled a little on seeing taehyung's sparkling eyes.

The door opened completely but the lift was a little lower from the floor thus climbing up was difficult. The security guards offered their hands to pull the two of them jimin pushed taehyung to go first as both of them can't go at the same time. Before taehyung could refuse he was pulled by them he climbed up and immediately lowered his hands for jimin which was grabbed by him immediately but the lift suddenly shook a little. Taehyung gripped him more tightly towing him up.

"Thanks" Jimin muttered and was pulled in tight embrace by taehyung. He smiled a little at seeing the other person's worried expression but it was soon replaced by a frown when the weight on his shoulder increased he broke the hug only to find taehyung had blacked out.

"Bring over the stretcher he needs medical help" he shouted to the wardboy standing there.

After a few hours taehyung opened his eyes adjusting to the light he looked at the room with pale walls trying to figure out how he ended up here. His eyes fell on the figure beside him, jimin was sitting on a stool with his head placed on bed sleeping peacefully like an angel. An unconscious smile appeared on his face on seeing him. He gently put his hands in jimin's hair cooing at the softness. All the painful events of today came back to his brain but before those thoughts could reside in his mind, his gaze fell on the injured hand of Jimin.
'did I hurt him' he was bemused at his thought and the scene of him pushing jimin clicked in his mind, he began to blame himself for jimin's injury.

"I am sorry I didn't mean to do that jimin, I know I am a disgusting person but i thought I could never hurt you, but here also I failed. I am really a disappointment."

Taehyung broke into tears, hurt was evident in his eyes, his whole consciousness forced him to believe that he did not deserve an angel like jimin. 'this is the truth I can never have someone like him. I will just drown him in my darkness snatching his light.' Not able to glance at him anymore he rose from his bed.

Jimin who was sleeping peacefully woke with the sudden shuffling on the bed to see taehyung removing the wires from his hands. He stood up in panic grabbing taehyung hand to stop him but he snatched his hand.

"Taehyung stop what are you doing"

"I am leaving"

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