“ I can’t bloody swim back!” My yelp was smothered by the raucous sounds coming from around me. I frantically looked around to try and grab hold of something. My face sunk below the water once. Twice, before bobbing back up, I tried to breathe but just got water into my mouth instead. Sh*t, sh*t, SH*T! I sunk down for the third time. My vision blurred momentarily before I furiously blinked away some water. Stupid, stupid back! My head ducked under, the pain in my back was now searing, I must have pulled or twisted something, it wouldn’t have been this bad if those idiots  didn’t push me into the water. Frantically I started splashing around trying to get some one to notice me. It didn’t work because everyone around me was splashing around like a spastic!

I blanked for a moment disappearing under the water, my head pounding as the water pushed against it as I sunk lower and lower and lo- suddenly I felt two strong arms grip my waist and pull me up and onto the grass. My vision swam for a moment before coming to settle on two bluey-grey eyes.

I coughed spluttering water and breathed in as much oxygen as possible before sitting up. After awhile I caught myself and looked around to see everyone crowding around me. I stumbled to my feet by the help of Eric and turned to face Gary who was smugly watching me, his gaze roaming the length of me. I looked down and saw that my t-shirt was drenched clinging to my skin, defining my curves. I looked away disgusted.

Eric left and came back moments later with a warm, dry towel and wrapped it around me. My chattered teeth together as he led me to the mess hall and sat me down on an old wooden chair. He walked to a small door on the left wall and disappeared. A few moments later he came back with a steaming mug of hot chocolate. I chugged it down gratefully. Hot chocolate in summer while it about 45 °C, wow this is new.

Slowly my whole body started to heat up and I loosened the towel around me slightly. I looked up to see Eric’s lips twitch into a smile. I tilted my head to a side.

“What?” His smile grew wider.

“You’ve got something on your mouth.” Blushing I rubbed away the hot chocolate that had bordered my upper lip.

“Is it all gone?” He shook his head and wiped the remaining liquid off of my lip. I shivered at his touch, he noticed this and raised an eyebrow.

“Are you still cold?” My cheeks burned a deep red as I shook my head, then nodded going along with his much less embarrassing excuse. He chuckled and told me to go take a hot shower and be back in time for lunch.

I did as he told me. Hot water running down my back, soothing away the aching pain. I sighed taking a little longer than necessary then grabbed a towel and tied it around my torso. I jumped out of the cubicle and started to grab my clean clothes from the rack when I heard some one scream.

I turned around and came face to face with a tall, totally hot guy behind me. Then it was my turn to scream. His blue eyes widened in alarm. His blonde hair dripped water onto bare chest, (because like me he just came out of the shower. He had nothing but a towel draped around his waist). Recovering first he clamped a hand to my mouth. Well that made me shut up.

“What are you doing in the guy’s bathroom?” I stared at him incredulously, I mean can’t that guy read the sign outside?

 “Dif idh da gish tolefts!” My voice coming out contorted and muffled.

“What? Oh.” He took his hand away from my mouth.

“This is the girls toilet!” He looked at me as if I was stupid before replying.

“No it’s not.”

“Yes it is!”

“No. It’s. Not.” He replied through gritted teeth. I narrowed my eyes and was making my way to see the sign my self when, being me, I slipped. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact. It never came. Instead I felt two toned arms wrap around my waist. I blushed as he steadied me, his hands still on my waist. 

Falling for the Sweet JerkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang