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Lain gave us both a harsh stare, I feared to stare back. Reputations and feelings are going to be a whole staple of college life now. I kept my eyes averted in some sort of fear and embarrassment that I did something completely wrong and absolutely inhuman and idiotic. "So what store is this exactly Lain? You said it had...pretty good stuff and-" I got cut off by Percy giving me this wide eyed stare. A goofy one with an undertone like he was about to tell a scary story. I felt a chill in the weather that was in some sort of fight or flight defence. He basically towered over me and I froze.

"You don't know about the place, Fara? They only get the good stuff from very, VERY frequent customers! They have to be SO frequent to sign this waver to be turned into literal furniture. You know this place is called? Huh??"
"Jannison is a pretty nice place! Always cozy and roomy, full of stuff! Kinda like a Daekia but more locally owned!"

I stared at Percy with unimpressed processing eyes. What kind of fib about turning people into furniture would scare a college student, or even a person my age? I'm kind of glad Lain cut him off. Jannison did sound nice, a little bit like a cozy atmosphere. And if it's a Daekea locally owned without corporate greed? I'm sold. "Riiiight- I would love to see this place! How far is it from here?" I questioned this with excited enthusiasm. Anything room decorating was my absolute favorite. Posters, rugs, new bedsheets? Anything that caught my eye that screamed it was perfect for a room I took.

"I mean, I do kid. I thought people who weren't originally from the city would fall for that. I told a random kid when I was in a middle school thats a few miles away the same thing and he cried when his mom told him she had to go to Jannison." Percy said with a light chuckle like he was telling this story as an old man. I raised my eyebrow a bit, "And I scare people on the daily. Kinda funny to hear that, though."

I looked forward to the surroundings, covering my mouth with the loose sleeve of my sweater. It was a genuine public habit, and I was getting comfortable with just being myself on campus? God, this was drilled in that I had to hide myself apparently. Lain pulled out her phone, pulling up a maps app. "Oh, only a five minute walk. Not bad!" Percy gave some sort of glance to her, shaking his head "Where's the fun in using a map when you can discover it yourself."
"Percy, I was told you held even the campus map upside down to head to the food court." Lain replied in a slightly concerned and snarky tone. It just gave Percy the gleam he wanted, looking more smug than he already does naturally, "Well that was once. I learned from my mistakes-"

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, lets just follow Lain. I don't think you should use maps. Period. C'mon." Through Percy's smug moment, he still was a bit out of it in his charming manner. I have him a push with my elbow to get him out of the phase of pure confidence and embarrassed chivalry.

Going down all the sidewalks had so much wonder...and too many crowds. God, it felt there was no oxygen on these streets. Stores however caught my eyes all the time. Almost everything was family owned, and everything was authentic. Wedding dresses, cafés, hell even small studios for filming and arts. It was all so vibrant and bustling. Even I thought this place would have nobody when my brain still confined in my bedroom in Florida. We soon arrived, a large building on the edge of the street. Jannison looked as if it was a wonder as I stared through the windows while also avoiding the automatic doors. It was so distracting, everything looked so pleasant to stare at. But looking through a window like a child in a candy store with my condition rubbed some people passing by the wrong way...disgust. I read the room a little too fast, drawing back with at least a respectful glance. Now I wish I brought my face mask. My personal stress had to stay bottled up, my sleeve always drifts away anyway. Theres zero point to covering my imperfections.

"Yeahh. Percy, just, go first-" I cowered a bit behind him like a he was a human shield. I would cling on like a whole human shield if I could. Percy glanced back, replying "I mean, I'm waiting outside for this. You seem off anyway, but more emotionally. You got something?" Percy spoke in a catty tone. My face turned a little bit red at this, all the blood in my body felt as if it were boiling to my brain. Lain pulled was already inside talking to the cashier. A nice, friendly chat it felt like.

"The hell you mean, dude. Got what? Asthma? A weird eye drifting again?" I questioned in an oblivious tone. Percy looked at me like he was examining for at least physical symptoms of deadly illness. He then motioned his head softly to Lain's direction.

"Feelingsss? You got 'em"

This broke me, I started to stammer to this information, "Please...please repeat that?"
"You got a little crush..." Percy said again, teasingly. He was like a child tempting to make their younger sibling cry. I was frozen in place before exaggerating my movements as I spoke.

"Well uh, no- She just...grabbed my hand to help me not get run over. Though it...was nice- Wait, no! What was that question even for??" I fought the pain of talking to defend myself, Percy just grabbed me by my shoulders and pushed me into the store like I was a human shopping cart. As I was already in, I turned back to just see him giving an excited thumbs up. For what? For me to ask her out or something? I truly felt okay, I did have a crush. It was nice to feel contact but...what if she said no? Maybe a bit of shopping would be nice

I walked up to Lain, shaking and nervous, "Uh, yeah. Sorry, Percy was pestering me a bit out there," I nervously rubbed the back of my head, feeling the warm Autumn heat that soaked into it while out and about, "Let's just...get our stuff and go-"

Lain laughed softly, "Come on, don't worry. It's just us for now, Percy probably avoids shopping like the plague." I stared at her for a bit before sadly agreeing, "Yeah. Probably-"

There were long moments of us walking around, getting new things, chatting about ourselves. We were now in check out, chatting as we waited for our items to be scanned talking away. There was a special topic there, the particular topic she brought up, a party. By God I hated those things, but if it were a chance to ask her out, I would take it.

"A party on...what side of the campus?" I questioned, Lain replied with a bit of thought, "On the west-side campus, theres a building where people usually party. Its usually pretty fun." I stared anxiously to the floor, it would be an easy walk from even my own dorm area to this building. "Do you...mind if I go?"

The scanners chirps were like my heart, a little too fast. Flashing with anxiety. Lain looked at me softly "Oh, yeah! It would be really nice to see you there. It's at about 9 P.M., don't worry about dress and..."

Lain's words just stuck to me, finally I'm accepted to be somewhere. I could tell it wouldn't be fully judgement free but it would still be an experience. We soon walked out, Lain walking a bit faster to get back. It was about 5 P.M. now. I stood next to Percy who then nudged me with an elbow. I just nodded excitedly and I felt like squealing. I kept that inside, buty inner pure joy was shown when I almost dropped my bags to celebrate.

I had to remember, 9 P.M.

Not a minute too soon or too late.

GRINERTIAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora