Chapter 15 - Impactful hit

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Being in a rush to meet with his little brother, Raphael takes his friends and strange brothers with him out of spite, as in, he didn't want to, but he didn't wanted to waste precious time by telling them off when his brother is needing him, they jump through buildings like the wind, quickly passing by without a break, after a while, Raph finds Mikey hiding beneath a water tower, but as soon as he spots his big brother with the enemies, Mikey freezes, uncertaing of what to do, Raph manages to get closer to him and talks him into believing that he's not being mind controlled, Mikey hugs his brother tight in relief as he starts claming down.

But just then, the ninja brothers got into a bit of an argument, Michelangelo takes notice of their presence and starts backing off, Raph starts scolding them harshly again, but before he could even finish, Mikey grabbed his arm and dashes off, dragging Raph along, too freaked out to even speak properly, as he ran for his life, Raph tried to release his arm from Mikey's tight grip, but all his struggling just ate up Michelangelo's patience, making him pull Raph up into his arms, carrying him like a damsel in distress, regardless, Raph tried to break free, but all he achieves with that is trowing Mikey off balance during a jump, making them both fall on the garbage bins in an alley.

Mikey crawls out of the trash and picks up his big brother again to keep running, despite being injured, he pushes through the pain, believing he's fighting for his family, Mikey ends up seeing a manhole across the road, without a second thought, he tries to cross, just to see a massive truck approaching at high speed, he instinctively tried to save his big brother by launching him as far as he could, knowing pretty damn well that he wouldn't be able to leap outof the truck's way with all the extra weight, the truck driver was half asleep on the wheel, just catching a glimpse of a small green figure, startled, the driver hits the breaks so abruptly that his head flew onto the wheel, knocking him out cold.

Sadly, the truck did hit Michelangelo and sent him rolling quite a few feet away, he could barely move, his whole body ached like hell and he struggled to even lift his head off the concrete road, Raphael found himself in the other side of the street and quickly got up, darting his head around looking for his baby brother, he saw Mikey laying on the street, having a lot of trouble to get up, he rushes in to help, gladly, the other turtles and his friends get there right on time to help, probably having heard the commotion from afar, they all watched in shock and helped Raph carry Mikey's near unconscious body into the sewer system, letting Raphael take the lead and guide the to their Lair, but if there was something that was really bothering the two ninjas was the horrible smell of sewage.

After a few minutes of walking, they finally arrived to the sewer Lair, Michelangelo already showed signs of consciousness and luckly didn't had that many inuries, the truck's impact was mostly in his shell, this guy is a surprisingly tough nut to crack, once the checks ups were done and Raphael tended to his baby brother's wounds, they all left the two alone so Raph could explain everything to Michelangelo, he understood the situation for the most part, but he was still a bit nervous about meeting the ninjas, but with a promise of security from his big bro, he decided to give his extended family a shot, coming out of the room shyly, almost hiding behind Raph, which was quite funny to watch since Mikey was pretty taller than Raph, not much but definitely easy to notice as he had to hunch down a little to hide behind Raph, Leo was the first one to come forward.

🔵 - "Heheh, hey, you... so... are you alright?"

🟠 - "............ yeah........"

🟣 - "I think we diidn't... introduce ourself yet, did we?"

🟠 - *shakes head*

🔵 - "My name is Leonardo and this is my brother Donatello, we are... so deeply sorry for what happened last time we met."

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