Chapter 6 - Connecting dots

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It's been three days since April's first sleepover, she's at her room as always, working on a board she made up for her investigations on the turtles, there are notes she wrote, photos, news paper's entries from the "paranormal" section and even theories she made, all that can be somehow connected to the four mutant turtles she met, she found out through her interview with Michelangelo that, to them at leaast, it has always been just him and Raphael, which makes no sense since there's still those other two mutants in the surface, their names seem to be Leonardo and Donatello if she remembers it correctly, those were all quite peculiar names for turtles, all hint to a different artist from the Renaissance, but why? Is there some sort of connection between their existence and that era of art? This is all so weird.

Also judging by Mikey's response, the two of them probably have no idea about the existence of the other turtles outside of the sewers, the ones on the surface probably have no idea about them too, but how come they exist in the first place? How did they came to be? Mikey and Raph said that they once had a caretaker that raised them until he passed away when they were kids, so did Leonardo and Donatello also had something like that? A parental figure? Probably, where else would they get or learn how to use dangerous weapons? A fancy spear and twin katanas, those are ancient stuff, they did declare themselves ninjas so it might make sense that they'd receive those weapons, it's strange but why are those two teenager looking turtles running around town with deadly blades? 

Are they aspiring vigilantes? Are they fighting crime? Sounds cliché. Maybe they're fighting a single enemy? Like in those silly movies? Coming to think of it... after everything she has seen so far... can anything still be called "silly" or out of the realm of possibility? Mutants, ninjas, talking turtles, underground hideouts... if she ever said anything like that to the authorities they would probably throw her in a mental hospital, if anyone comes over and finds her research she can just say it's a story idea, maybe she can use the news paper club as an excuse, maybe say she's planning on writing a fiction book or something, surely no one would question it, right?... but... who would come to her house? She never brings anyone over, she doesn't have many friends to begin with so... huh?.... what's that nois_ AAAAAHHH!!!

Out of nowhere, two figures jump through the window of her apartment just as she had walked out of her bedroom, she runs back to her room in a panic and shuts the door, luckly the window was open so nothing broke, the two figures rise up, revealing to be Leonardo and Donatello, they're looking for April, she can hear them talking in the other room but she can't figure out what they want from her, they don't make their intentions cleat either, she spins her board around to hide her research and shoves her papers into a drawer of her desk, basically hiding any proof of sign that she's digging into anything she shouldn't, they heard the comotion try to enter her room, only to find out the door is locked tight, Leo tries to force on the knob but it has no affect, as April thought she might be safe.

She hears one of them sugesting they break down the door, she thinks for a moment of how much trouble she would be in with her dad, how would she explain a torn down door? They can't afford a new door just like that, her father would be furious, April sees a kitchen knife in her desk, so she grabs it in case she has to defent herself and reluctantly unlocks the door, slowly opening it, her gaze meets with theirs and she politely asks what do they want, but while Donnie tried to calmly explain it to her in a friendly way to not scare her off, Leo just barges inside her room, inviting himself in and looking around the place, apparently, they're just here to make sure she won't be spreading around about their existance and all, she claims she won't, and that even if she wanted to, she doesn't even have proof or anything.

"Is that so, redhead?"

Leonardo says as he flips over the dark board in her room, showing that she has photos and plenty of evidence of their existance, she was practicaly stalking them, even though their patrol route passes by her house, being why she was able to get so many pics of them, Donnie was shocked and honestly terrified of the fact he and his brother have been stalked for who knows how long, so creepy.... Leonardo knocked her onto the floor and took a firm stance before April, he took her blade out of her hands and threw it out the window, pulling out his katanas to take his point across, pointing one of the blades to her neck with his third eyelid making his eyes all white to look even more threatening, he then said the following with a cold and impotent voice.

"You let a single soul know about me and my brother's existence, and I'll slice your head off myself. Understand?"

April froze in fear, she was speechless and petrified, she could only nod in agreement, eyes locked on his heartless gaze, an agonizing session of prolonged eye contact that shook her to her very core, her eyes were wide and going dry as she stared at the blue masked turtle blinklessly, not knowing if she'd actually get out of there alive, that was until Donatello dropped himself to his knees and shielded the poor girl, trying to get his older brother to calm down and reason with him, in a moment of despair, she wrapped her arms around his shell and held him into a tight hug, really making him have mixed feelings about it, Leo gets jealous and territorial with his little bro and tries to snatch his baby brother away from the maniac stalker that has been spying on them for so long, a battle of thug of war breaks between Leo and April, in his side, this weird human girl just hugged his only and precious little brother, as for her side, she was just seeking comfort and protection on the only person to stand up for them in that sittuation.

After the two bicker for a while, Donnie finally breaks free and scapes, Leo followed him soon after, leaving April with a trashed room and a promise to keep.

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