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Life was great for Hizumi and Douma, no one in Hizumi's hometown knew about "the divine child" just the people from Douma's hometown

Douma loved Hizumi like she was his mother, to him, he was like the mom he never had in his childhood

And a loving parent was just what Douma needed

Of course he never fully got over his past and was still wary of strangers which is why he normally doesn't go anywhere without Hizumi

As he got older, he wasn't as wary of strangers

When he wanted to buy stuff, he would go alone from now own, although of course Hizumi would still go with him, just in case but Douma finally had a normal parent

He wasn't expected to run a cult at a young age nor was he expected to be a people pleaser

He finally had a loving parent, he didn't care that he didn't have a Dad, all he needed was someone that would care for him

But not all stories end in a happy ending.....

When Douma turned 20, the people from Douma's village were still looking for him and were dedicated to find the "divine child", eventually they would find Hizumi....

When they asked around her village, they reported her as a kidnapper who took an innocent child away and even went as far to frame her for killing Douma's parents

Though, the people didn't believe it since some knew Hizumi to be a kind woman, she wouldn't kidnap or kill someone so they settled to look for her themselves

So while Douma was out to get food for him and Hizumi, the people raided her house, demanding for her to tell them where the divine child was

She refused to say, they searched everywhere in her home, and destroyed a lot of stuff but eventually couldn't find Douma and Hizumi only hoped that he wouldn't be found by these monsters again

"Ugh...if she won't tell us, she's useless, we'll find him ourselves, if he's not here then he couldn't have gone far, he's somewhere in this village." A man said, "Finish her off."

Hizumi was beaten up really bad, bleeding everywhere she was barely breathing as it is

"D-douma...." She managed to say as her last words as tears came from her eyes

She was finished off with a hard step on her neck

The people who would visit Douma to have "fun" with him or cry to him all got out of the house to go look for Douma

Meanwhile, when Douma finished buying food, he saw the monsters that made his life a living hell

"W-what... are they doing here!?" Douma wondered, remembering the horrible things they did to him when he was a child

Douma was about to have a panic attack when he remembered Hizumi

Douma immediately ran back to him and Hizumi's house

"Don't worry Mom...I'm on my way!"

Douma was crying, worrying about what would happen to the woman that took him away from the monsters

She cared for him better than his own parents ever could, unlike his parents, he cared for Hizumi

He did his best to make sure he wasn't seen by the people looking for him and he eventually reached home and his gut was telling him something was wrong...very wrong

He hastily opened the door and saw Hizumi's lifeless body, all bruised up and beaten

Douma covered his mouth in horror, tears were freely falling from his eyes and he was breathing heavily

He dropped the food he was holding to the floor and ran to Hizumi, holding her body

"M-Mom.....you need to wake up....!" Douma cried, trying to shake her awake

Hizumi didn't move, Douma tried to check her heartbeat, any hint of a pulse would be a relief but there wasn't any

Hizumi Tsukika was gone and Douma was left alone, crying and screaming

"You poor thing...." A man's voice said out of nowhere

Douma looked up, his eyes blurred with tears

A man with red eyes, flowing long black hair, wearing a black yukata appeared in front of him

Douma immediately held his Mom close

"What do you want....have you come here to taunt me....?" Douma asked angry, "If you dare to lay a hand on my Mom...I will kill-"

The man put his finger to Douma's forehead and injected his blood into Douma

"It's too late to save your Mother..." The man said crouching to check her pulse, even her cells were dead, "But you can still become a demon and get revenge for you and your Mother, I may not know your full story but something bad clearly happened...."

Douma was crouching down on his hands and knees, going through a transformation

Sharp fangs coming out of his mouth, nails becoming sharp claws but his other physical looks stayed the same

Only he now craved human blood but couldn't bring himself to eat Hizumi

"W-what happened to me...."

"You became a demon." The man explained, "You serve me from now on, you have potential... I wonder how far you will rise..."

"You mustn't say my name to anyone, especially my last name, or there will be consequences...now take revenge for your Mom..."

"I'm Muzan Kibutsuji, the demon king, don't forget it. Take your revenge."

The demon king name Muzan Kibutsuji disappeared but Douma needed to process what just happened

But one's things for sure, he was going to bury Hizumi and not let anyone disrespect her grave

Douma quickly realized that he couldn't go out in the sun since he immediately started to burn so he would wait until nighttime

And he would definitely take revenge on the monsters that made his life a living hell, they would especially pay for taking his Mom away

He thought that he should open the Paradise Faith Cult again but for the sake of eating humans

Normally demons are known as heartless creatures incapable of feeling sadness but Douma held Hizumi close to him and cried until nighttime came, apologizing to her over and over for not being there to protect her

She was the reason why he was out of that hell hole of a cult but he wasn't even there to protect her from those monsters

"Mother....." Douma choked out as he was crying, "I'm so sorry...."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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