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Eventually when Douma turned eleven years old, a woman would come to visit the Eternal Paradise cult

Her name was Hizumi, she was often seen with her black hair in a half bun, half down with her flower hairtie and a dark blue pastel kimono, she also had some freckles and dark purple eyes

She just moved to the village where Douma was when she noticed a lot of people were going to a specific place to what seemed fancy, somewhere where royalty would live

She decided to check it out of curiosity

When she went in, she saw a rainbow eyed child, but she noticed that they were not full of life like a normal child's should be, he wasn't smiling at all, and there are people putting their hands on him, touching him in places they shouldn't be touching, and he wasn't fighting back or screaming

She also saw women and men crying and begging this child to send them to peace and paradise, to get them away from their miserable lives and they were even pulling his hair and scratching him

Hizumi was horrified on what the people were doing to this poor child, where are his parents!? Why are they allowing this!?

Hizumi went up to the rainbow-eyed child, as angry as she was at everyone else for their actions, she didn't want to start a fight since she was heavily outnumbered

"Everyone. Move, away from this child." Hizumi demanded

"Can't you see we're busy?" A man responded to Hizumi, "When we're done you can have your fun with him or you can beg him to send you to paradise."

Hizumi clenched her fists, "No, I refuse to wait. Get. Your. Hands. Off. Him" Hizumi glared at the guy

They eventually cooperated, she wasn't recognized by anyone who went here often so they figured she must be new to town and heard about the divine child

"Since you're new, we'll let you off easy, this divine beautiful child can hear the voices of gods according to his parents who have died, which is why people beg for him to send them for peace and paradise, if you'd like we can show you the bedroom and leave the child with you, although normally you would have to pay the child's parents to do stuff with him but they're dead so it doesn't matter."

Hizumi was horrified and disgusted, she was angry that someone would assume she would do something horrible to a child, his parents also let these people take advantage of their own kid before they died

She didn't care what the consequences were, she would help this child escape, she knew that everyone would chase her and she wasn't fast enough to outrun everyone, and there were a lot of people here

As much as it disgusted Hizumi, she played along

"That's interesting information...can you take me and this child to a room, with windows in it?"

"Why do you need a room with windows?" Someone asked

"Just to check out the view outside...anyways, the child..." Hizumi said through gritted teeth

Douma was dragged and given to Hizumi and they were taken to a room with windows and left alone

Douma sat down on the bed, ready for what was to come

Hizumi picked Douma up and jumped out the window and ran as fast as she could, without looking back

(No the room wasn't on another floor)

Hizumi decided she and this child were moving to another village and there was no time for her to pack her stuff because she knew the people would be looking for her


This is what Hizumi looks like

This is what Hizumi looks like

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Douma's tragic upbringing {My AU not canon}Where stories live. Discover now