Relaxation & Revelations

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Ivy liked playing house with Harry.

It was a real problem, actually.

Her own apartment rarely saw her as she had been spending a lot of her time with her lover at his large, fancy and now mostly empty house. Ivy had helped Lia move in with her girlfriend, albeit a little bit fast in her opinion, she wasn't one to judge. She was quite literally banging her father. All she could do was be supportive.

It was a weird mixed feeling in her chest. On one hand, she saw how fucked up it was. How she was betraying her trust, how she understood how it would disturb her if she had done the same- though no offense to her own, but she was safe in that aspect. It was not the best person to choose to fuck around with, but this aspect may be worse.

Falling in love with your best friend's father is arguably worse.

Ivy knew it was going to blow up in her face at some point, but ever the optimist, she had decided to try and look at the positives and understand that whenever it came out, she would need to deal with the repercussions like an adult. Take whatever reaction there was and deal with it. It would be valid, regardless.

One of the mixed things was that Lia had caught on about Harry seeing someone. She had wrinkled her nose and told Ivy that she had seen scratch marks on his back with no way he could cause them when she'd went to swim, that he had a hickey (that she had no idea Ivy had sucked onto his skin), and he had been noticeably happier. She had talked about how miserable he had been after the divorce, how for years he had hovered a bit because Lia had been his one focus, but she as glad that he was giving her space to breathe as an adult who was now out of college and supporting from a healthy distance.

"Y'know, I'm just happy he's smiling again. He was whistling last time I came into his home office, ordering flowers. It's gross because he's my dad but cute because he deserves a second chance at love. Just like you!"

Ivy had felt both giddy and extremely guilty after that conversation.

Since her moving out, Ivy had a steady drawer building in his closet. Her hair ties in a drawer in his bathroom. His room was their safe space considering Harry had built boundaries with Lia about it being his personal space when she got older, needing a room that wasn't overrun with her stuff and a private place to breathe- just as he promised to stay out of her room. Ivy was free to lounge about his room without a care, use his giant marble bathroom to bathe and giggle with her bath bombs while Harry finished up work calls.

It was a nice little housewife roleplay. One Ivy realized could potentially be a reality if she played her cards right. Harry seemed to be just as into her, but she was still worried. He spoiled the shit out of her with his affection and newly, gifts she definitely didn't ask for but still appreciated, but she was always watching to make sure she didn't overstep.

At some point they needed to have the dreaded 'what are we' talk, but right now? She really couldn't risk messing it up. She was too happy, too comfortable with their slowly developing dynamic.

Sitting in the jacuzzi tub, the bubbles moved about as the jets massaged her back, a book in her hand as she enjoyed her bath. Harry's bathroom was stupidly gorgeous. It had exquisite white and gray marble walls and floor, adding a touch of elegance to the room. The tub was surrounded by marble steps leading up to it, making getting in and out of the tub easy and safe, the depth of the tub something she hadn't seen before.

The bathroom also had separate Mr & Missus sinks, each with their own marble countertops and elegant faucets. The Mr sink held a darker marble countertop, while the Missus sink had a lighter, veiny marble countertop. The sink was separated by a wide vanity mirror with those circular light bulbs to give the best possible lighting- though it was a tiny bit unforgiving, she could admit. No one needed to see pores that well. Underneath the vanities included cabinets and shelves for towels and other bathroom essentials- built in, Harry had provided. Made just for this particular bathroom, the black paint shiny and unscuffed.

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