Part 31

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I quickly made my way to the elevator and went up to the third floor. Of course she's in room 340. Why wouldn't she?

 An elevator ride has never lasted so long. I finally got to the third floor and I sped down the hallway looking for her room. When I got there, the door was closed, so I took a moment to compose myself. I can't let her see me break. I have to stay strong. For her. 

I knocked on the door and waited for a few seconds before entering. I peeked my head inside first. I wasn't sure what I was expecting to see, but it was not this. I saw my girl, laying in the bed with wires and tubes hooked up to her. 

I just stood there. I didn't move for what felt like hours, but in reality was probably only a few minutes. I felt tears sting my eyes, but I tried to hold them back. I'm gonna kill this motherfucker. I don't care about my career anymore and I don't care about going to jail. I just want to put this whole thing to an end. For good. 

I slowly walked over to the side of the bed with a chair sat next to M. I gently grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. 

"M," I said softly. 

I don't know why. Maybe I thought she might reply or wake up? I really don't know. 

"I know you probably can't hear me, but we can't loose you. I can't loose you. Kat and Devyn are a nervous wreck, and I can already tell that Sam is super worried. I've known you for a few weeks and I already love you so much. And if I loose you, I don't know what I'll do." 

I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder but didn't have to turn around to know it was Sam. At that moment, I broke down. I don't think I've ever just broke down this fast. 

"It's gonna be okay," Sam said as I hugged around his waist and he rubbed my back. "She's strong, and she's gonna heal, and we're gonna get rid of Mike." 

"But what if she doesn't heal?" I asked, my voice cracking slightly. "What if she doesn't wake up and I don't get to-" 

"Colby," Sam interrupted. "Quit being a pessimist. What would Malory think if she knew you were expecting the worst?" 

"She'd tell me to stop thinking like that," I responded as I pulled away from Sam. 

"Exactly," He told me. "So stop thinking like that." 

"Where are Kat and Devyn?" I asked him. 

"Corey came and picked them up. I told Kat I would come up and check on M for her and I wanted to check in with you," He responded. 

"I hope she wakes up soon," I told him as I examined M's beautiful face, wiping the tears off my face.  

She looked so at peace. So fragile that if you touched her, she might break. 

"I do too, brother," Sam said. 

Malory's POV


Everything fucking hurts. My head hurts. My arms hurt. My legs hurt. Everything hurts. I could barely open my eyes, but I knew that I wasn't in Colby's bed. The mattress was too stiff. I could hear voices, but I didn't know who it was. I tried to move my fingers, but I felt a hand enclosed around mine. I heard a gasp from next to me, and I heard Colby's voice ask, "M?". 

I tried opening my eyes, and was blinded by a bright light that caused me to squint. I blinked a few times, and then I could see. Colby was sitting beside me, holding my hand. He had dark circles around his eyes and his hair was messier than usual. 

"Colby," I tired to say, but my voice came out scratchy because of my dry throat. 

"Oh my god, Malory," He exclaimed as he stood up and hugged me. 

"Colby," I said again. "I'm sorry. I should've-" 

Colby interrupted me by kissing me gently. 

"All I care about is that you're okay and safe and healthy now," He told me, holding my face in his hands. 

"Wait," I exclaimed, starting to panic. "What about Kat and Devyn? Are they okay? Have you seen them? Oh my god are they dead?" 

"No, M," Colby started. "They aren't dead and they are completely fine. Kat had a few scratches and Devyn had a bruise or two, but they are fine otherwise. You're the only one that was in critical condition." 

"How many days has it been?" I asked Colby. 

"It's been three days," Colby answered. 

"Three?" I asked, shocked. 

Colby just nodded his head. 

"Are you okay?" I ask Colby. 

I know that when someone is in the hospital, it is rare for the person's partner or family member to be asked how they're feeling. I know that even though I'm in the worst pain of my fucking life, Colby is going through his own type of pain seeing me in this bed with tubes and wires. 

"I'm okay," He said. "I think Sam has been worried sick about you. And me. I've never stayed at the hospital this long for anybody." 

"How long have you been here?" I asked him, a little shocked. 

"Since the day of the accident," He answered. "I've only moved from this very spot to a chair in the back right corner of the waiting room." 

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