Part 3

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"I wanna go first," Amy said. 

"Really?" I asked shocked. "You're usually scared shitless." 

"Whatever," She said. "It's only because I don't believe in this stupid game." 

"Who knows," Sam said. "That might change tonight." 

Amy got the candle and turned on the light to replicate a flame. She stood in front of the mirror with us behind her in the dark bathroom. The water was dripping in the sink, and she was spinning in her third circle. She stopped and we all looked straight into the mirror. 

"Bloody Mary," Amy said with a shaky voice. "Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary." 

We all stood in silence and looked at the mirror. I stared into the mirror, trying to see something. Then, I saw her. 

"Shit!" I said. 

My breath started to pick up and get heavy. 

"What?" Colby asked. 

He was standing right behind me with Sam by his side and Jake by Sam. 

"I saw an old, frail looking lady," I said. "Right in between me and Amy, but I also felt a breath of air go past my ear." 

"Are you okay?" Colby asked as I turned around to face him. 

"Yeah," I said and looked up into his blue eyes. 

He smiled at me, and I smiled back. 

"Lets go do the seance and then we can leave," Sam said. 

"Sounds good," I responded. 

"Just to be clear," Amy said as we were walking back into the living area. "You were recording the ritual, right?" 

"Yep," Sam said. 

"Okay," Amy said. "I just want to watch it back later and see if I can see the woman M was talking about." 

"That would be so cool if we could," I said. 

The four of us walk out and make our way to the living area. 

"You were quiet, Jake," Amy pointed out. "Didn't say one word."

"Didn't have anything to say," Jake responded. 

"He was probably too busy thinking about food," Corey said. 

"Yeah," Jake responded slowly. 

We all laughed. Except for Will. 

What is his problem, I thought. 

"We're gonna do another seance," Colby said. "But I wonder what would happen if we didn't use the cameras." 

"That's smart," I said. 

We all sat in the circle and held hands. This time, I was sat in between Sam and Colby. 

"If there are any spirits in this room with us," Colby started. "Can you give us an obvious sign that you are here?" 

Everyone sat in silence like before, carefully listening for a sign that there is a spirit in this room. We had probably waited about four minutes before we heard a knock. 

"Is this the same spirit that we had talked to before?" Sam asked. 


"Do you still want to hurt us?" I asked. "Knock once for yes, twice for no." 


"Are you angry?" Amy asked. 


"Why are you angry?" Aaron asked. "Is it because we are in your room?" 


"Damn," Will said. "It's really angry. We should probably leave now." 

"No," We all said. 

"Are you a thing we have seen or talked to before?" Corey asked, moving the seance along. 

Knock. Knock. 

"Did you die in this room?" Amy asked. 


"I just got chills," Corey said. 

His eyes had started to water. I guess that's what happens when he gets scared.

"Are you a demon?" Will asked. 


I looked at Colby, and even he looked a little scared. He squeezed my hand reassuringly, but it didn't really reassure me too much. 

"I'm gonna ask a question," Aaron said. "But it might need to be the last one." 

"Okay," Colby said. 

The rest of us just nodded our heads. 

"Is there a heaven?" Aaron asked. 

Knock. Knock.  

"We need to go," Aaron said. "Goodbye." 

We all said goodbye, and got our things. We quickly got to the lobby, and I checked out. Trying to keep my calm so the hotel staff wouldn't think anything. We walked into the parking lot, and we all took a deep breath. 

"That was," Amy started. 

"Something," Corey said, finishing Amy's statement. 

"Why did we need to leave immediately though," Jake said. "Did you really think it was a demon?" 

"No," Aaron said. "I didn't really think it was a demon, but I grew up very christian. A demon will try to tell you that there is no heaven, even though there is." 

"Well," Will said. "Sorry to break this up, but it's late and we have somewhere to be tomorrow." 

"Where do we need to be tomorrow?" I asked Will. 

"Umm," He said. "You know. The thing." 

"You mean classes on how to be nicer to people?" I asked. 

He just rolled his eyes. 

"Here," Colby said, taking out his phone. "Let me get your number and maybe we could meet up again." 

"Sure," I responded. 

I put my number into his phone, and handed it back to him. 

"We'll be in touch," Colby said with a smile. 

"Definitely," I said. 

 We all exchanged goodbyes, and I gave my number to Sam as well. 

"What is your problem?" I asked will once we were in the car. "Why were you being such a dick?!?" 

"Because they gave me a weird vibe!" Will exclaimed. "You know I don't like bringing random people into things." 

"Oh," I said. "But when they are girls, it's totally different!" 

I was so frustrated with Will right now. He had no reason to act like an absolute dick the whole time the boys were around. 

"She has a point Will," Amy said. 

"We're just tired," Will said. "Let's just get to our apartments and go to sleep."

I don't know what was going on in Will's mind tonight, but he needed to get over it. We got to the apartment complex, and we all went in. None of us talked with each other. 

"Night, Amy," I told her as we got to the end of the hall. 

We were both neighbors, and Will was a few rooms down the hall. 

"Night, M," Amy said as we both walked into our apartments. 

I set my bags down and collapsed on my couch. It has been a long night and I just wanted to sleep. I was a few inches away from sleep when I heard my phone ding. 

"Ugh!" I groaned. 

I checked my phone and it was an unknown number.  

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