CD 4

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Varisha grabbed the maid by the arm and dragged her towards Jungsoon's room.

As they entered Jungsoon's room, Varisha left Madison's arm, she put her index finger on her lips while looking at the maid. Indicating her not to make a noise because her sister is still sleeping, earning a vigorous nod in return.

She stood infront of the vanity, folding her arms into her chest, "Put them exactly where you picked her lipsticks from."

Her Vanity looks sorta like this

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Her Vanity looks sorta like this

Madison was about to put the lipsticks, "Make sure that none of her stuff is misplaced or turned in an opposite direction"

Madison's hand's were trembling, she closed her eyes tightly for a second as if to control her tears, she finally put the lipsticks down, and sighed in relief when Varisha finally dimissed her.

Varisha fixed Jungsoon's duvet, Jungsoon's eyes fluttered opened, she rubbed her eyes and yawned simultaneously.

"Good Morning, little one!" Varisha greeted her sister

Jungsoon sat up leaning against the back rest of the bed, "Morning" she replied in a sleepy tone

"How is your leg now?" Varisha asked to which Jungsoon complained, "I just wanna get rid of this caste as soon as possible it's uncomfortable"

Varisha smiled sympathetically, understanding Jungsoon's discomfort. "I know, sweetheart. It won't be long now, and you'll be free of it," she reassured her sister.

Jungsoon nodded, a faint smile forming on her lips. "Thanks, unnie. You always make everything better."

Varisha's expression softened as she brushed a stray hair away from Jungsoon's face. "That's what big sisters are for," she said with a gentle smile.

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and Taehyung entered the room. His eyes immediately went to Jungsoon's injured leg, concern evident in his gaze. "How are you feeling, princess?" he asked, approaching her bedside.

"I'm okay, Dad," Jungsoon replied, offering him a small smile.

Taehyung nodded, his gaze shifting to Varisha. There was a flicker of tension in the air, unspoken words lingering between them.

"Varisha, may I speak with you for a moment?" Taehyung's tone was formal, his eyes holding a mixture of emotions.

Varisha glanced at Jungsoon, who nodded reassuringly. "Sure, Mr. Kim," Varisha said, standing up to join Taehyung outside the room.

Once they were in the hallway, Taehyung spoke first. "I wanted to talk about... us," he began, his voice tinged with sadness.

Varisha's expression remained guarded. "There's nothing to talk about, Mr. Kim. We both know where we stand," she replied firmly.

Taehyung sighed, understanding the distance between them. "I miss how things used to be, Varisha. We were a happy family before... before everything changed."

Varisha's eyes hardened slightly, her anger simmering beneath the surface. "Things changed, Mr. Kim. And they won't go back to how they were," she stated resolutely.

"I know," Taehyung said softly. "But I want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what. I love you, Varisha."

Varisha's expression softened just a fraction, a mix of emotions swirling within her. "I know you do, Mr. Kim," she replied, her voice still holding onto her anger. "But that doesn't change anything."

The moment was interrupted by the sound of Jungsoon's voice from inside the room, calling for Varisha. "Unnie, can you help me with breakfast?" she asked.

Varisha glanced at Taehyung, her anger still evident. "I'll be right there, Jungsoon," she replied, before turning away and heading back to her sister's room.

In Taehyung's room, he leaned his back against the closed door, slid down, and grabbed his hair in his hand. Closing his eyes, he delved into memories of the past, recalling moments with Jungkook before their daughters came into their lives.
Words Count: 615
Date Written: 04/20/24 & 04/21/24
Date Published: 04/22/24
Author: Kheliyesh

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