umi continued to hear bombs outside but was listening at all ears.

"Half of my entire heritage got assassinated by a mafia that put a bounty on my family for 17m dollars, and I wasn't able to do anything about it. Since I don't have superhuman durability. I can't just grab my family in the middle of missiles firing at my house and just run out with ease. and it was a mafia that fended against the rich. trys to take and use that isn't their own damn property. this world is evil umi. and you believe that this world can be saved and can live in a soft grass with a warm blanket around it? NO.
this world needs to burn. this reality needs to detonate. this illusion..this life we live in is nothing but a continuous suffering to our soul like we are in endless purgatory with no pain. we live in a world that goes to rich lives, and the poor die. we live in a world when we don't have any meaning to who we really are. we are just humans live to serve a purpose and then die. life has no meaning. If God really loves us and wants to eliminate evil, then why doesn't he do anything about this own creation being turned into shit.
It's like taking a fresh lollipop from a child, and then it turns dirty..hehehe.♡It really makes me laugh."

"What is your goal here? What is your plan."

she glanced to a much darker face to show off her true nature.

"My goal?
the rich lives and the poor die. I stand to a much higher power than any government in this goddamn world. It's not enough to be the head of china's industrial production and their partnership to america. I need more. I need to be the only one to survive this war so I can be all. I can be the most powerful out of everyone fighting right now. I will be at all power once all of you die under my hands. discriminate mass murder doesn't matter, but in fact. It's mandatory, after all. nobody will question my power. not even God can ban me down to the brink of hell once he knows what I have done."

"So you want to kill everyone of us just so you can be at power? What kind of plan is that..?"

"it's crafted with the finest wood and made by the most intelligent people of this entire world. For me. I want to work to burn and decay◇ I don't care if I burn along with it. as long as humanity gets what they deserve, then it's no surprise that it's God's fault for making us this evil to be corrupting his own creation into a piece of shit.. he's supposed to be al powerful. Am I right? so if people commit a sin because they have a choice or to do it for their family, then it's no choice to go to hell for it. kill an enemy of your family, and then God has no choice but to put you in a place of eternal suffering for just trying to protect and not do for no reason♡ or it could be that I'm losing my sanity."

"Should we go back on stage? I'm done talking about this."

yui's men tried to rush behind her, but suki just stabbed them right behind her back.

"Now... we can go."

"What's gonna happen to Li?"

"Hmph. She's gonna be executed for deceiving her own people. my men will take her into a guillotine and slice her head off just to show her body. I will be happy to take her head and put in it in a trophy just for leading an innocent family head to their death just by my intelligence simply blocking her into despair of her own soul."

they walked back up only to see fire, and the opera house nearly destroyed.

"Oh look♡ Li is still sitting on her throne, crying in pity, dispair, and a gushing feeling of sadness with her soul broken into peices. This is such a pathetic site to bear. and you two are still here? Yui and kiki.

"The fuck do you mean "still here" we had to watch over Li since she seems to be still like a statue when you literally broke her. how fucked up are you? and plus. You closed the door to the way out so people are dead here. how does she react to her own people dying on these floor. as a organization leader I won't be as fucked up as you."

Flower of Deathحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن