Chapter 20

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"So you came here, inviting your weak ass gaurds to stab me down.. or beat me down to death.
Do you think murdering me is gonna write the end of this war? You are making it bigger than I thought. prinica of the Arctic Knight family. I thought all of you were smarter or more intelligent to think right instead of lunging in situations without thinking it through.💢"

"What the fuck do you mean? I don't mean to underestimate the person who saved all of us back in that war when the earth's air was poisoned. doesn't being a hero make you snobby and rich to be praised. I know ouroboros. she had some much information about her that I couldn't even count her copies of what crimes she committed. It hurts. Doesn't it? To hear her name when she made you suffer?♡"

kiki brought out her weapon in the midst of her babbling.

"Hearing her name does nothing to me now. that I have changed to get over my past. This has nothing to do with you. and list her crimes so that your annoyance doesn't affect my fight with these gaurds of yours."

"Well, let's see. Just so im clear. I only know her through documents and japanese people who have seen her or met her in the war before. and I have to say.. she was one dangerous chick. I'm  even surprised she succeeded in planning a full-fledged execution."

"Don't bring that up."

"I guess you know what I'm talking about."

she took out a paper full of words on it. her eyes looked up and down to see it.

She did so many crimes. Holy shit.
Mass murder
Mass destruction
Destruction of property
Sexual Assault
Attempted murder
Attempted world domination
Indirect killing
Organized crimes
Illicit trafficking in chemicals and poison
Conspiracy for committing omicide
Illegal drugging and weapon use
Perjury in the first degree.
Psychological abuse
Mass genocide
Endangerment with a controlled subtance.
Cause of a massacre
Intentional killing
Mass brainwashing
Crimes against peace
Murder act
Multiple massacres.
Destruction/ death of hundreds of people.
Crimes against humanity
Execution upon human beings
Fear factors
Illegal use of explosives and bombs
War crimes
Multiple seditions
Contract killing
Forced murder
Incitement of murder
Sabotage and betrayal
Unpremeditated murder
Attempted nigh- omocide
And blackmail
her stats as if it's a video game are:
Immense strength/ brute strength
master hand-to-hand combatant
webs to control as rings on her fingers
High Swordsmanship
High speed
really good reflexes
High weapon proficiency and skill
Analysis ability to read people and to make near perfect plans
Sharp nails
High knowledge of weapons
Leadership and Command
Immense weapon proficiency
High intelligence
High Tech Proficiency and Information fishing
High intellect
Organized plans and high strategist
Formidable agility and durability
Cunning eyes
Use of beauty and body
Riches and cash
Insanity and madness.
Wearable poison.
Control over her own poison.
well, sure. she was a pretty insane person, thus being mentally and physically insane in all marks as being a  human,but she's able to ruin multiple countries and governments in under a single day.
I think that's all there is to it. I'm surprised you are able to fight someone like her. wow. I.. I am so surprised. anyways. All that matters is that I need you gone."

Throw your gaurds at me if you want to. it's stupid how all of you can't seem to face me yourself. so come on, princia. wield your weapon and face me down. Don't be such a coward to an organization leader when you are only from a rich family. I'm not trying to be like a God to you, but maybe it's worth your while to get insulted by the same class♡"

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