Chapter 14

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Cassie could immediately feel the change in Jack's demeanor, and it disappointed her. She had enjoyed the evening and getting to spend time with Jack in what seemed to by a natural environment for him. She still questioned which version of the man sitting beside her was the real one. As she had learned a long time ago, she followed the cues of those she was around, and adapted into a similar and distant attitude, telling herself once again that she was playing a role, and the scene had changed. Now she was once again the contract professional performing her agreed upon duties.

They rode back to the house in silence, smiling congenially to Brandon as he opened the doors for them, and entered the house silently.

"Are we done for the evening?" Cassie asked, much as a secretary would ask of her employer at the end of a work day.

"Yes" Jack responded, feeling very awkward about what to say. He was appreciative and impressed by how Cassie had handled herself at this first meeting among his friends and peers, but he didn't want to speak too freely with Cassie, especially in the more intimate setting of his home. He wanted to maintain the specific boundaries he had created in his mind, to ensure he wouldn't allow himself to be charmed by this woman living in with him, playing the part of his wife. "Have a good night" he followed up and then shifted uncertainly, not sure what else to say.

"Good night then" Cassie responded with a slight nod and she took off her shoes as she moved toward the staircase, and skipped up the steps swiftly, not wanting to linger downstairs. She had enjoyed the evening, and playing the part of happy wife. But now that she was at the house, she was just an employee again and ready to be done for the night.

Jack watched her as she quickly moved upstairs, admiring her nimble figure, but also wanting to maintain his distance. She hadn't been anything like what he had expected, and to make matters more confusing, she was nothing like any of the women he had ever had in his life before. He slowly plodded up the steps, repeating over and over to himself that she may seem different, but that all women were the same, and he was not going to fall victim to another one any time soon. Especially not one with such a close proximity to his bank account.

The following morning, Jack made some excuse about needing to be at the office to finish off things that had been pushed aside and was gone most of the day. Cassie was left to herself and spent much of her day on the beach or in the parlor playing the piano.

On Sunday, Aunt Grace insisted on making a full brunch for everyone and wouldn't take no for an answer, so the day was spent at home, everyone together. Aunt Grace took note of every interaction between Jack and his new wife, wondering just what exactly was going on. She could readily identify, that pretend as they might, Jack and Cassie were anything but a young couple in love. Aunt Grace didn't want to pry, but with a growing fondness for the bright young women now part of their lives, she was also concerned that this bizarre marriage arrangement she was witnessing would eventually take a toll on her young new friend.

"Do you two plan to have any sort of honeymoon, once everything is settled with work?" Aunt Grace asked, while keenly observing the startled expression that briefly appeared on Cassie's face.

"Probably not any time soon" Jack responded without hesitation. "Our meeting in the Caribbean was practically the honeymoon in itself, being a tropical paradise and all." As he spoke, the words came easily and swiftly, but didn't sound natural, but rather more rehearsed, as if he had expected questions of this sort and had his response already prepared.

"Well, as much time as you've spent at the office since you've been back, you're going to need another vacation before long. Your poor wife must feel simply neglected" Aunt Grace said, testing the waters and looking for what kind of a reaction she would get to that statement.

"Yes, well" Jack then paused a moment, searching for the right words. He had spent so much thought in trying to project the loving husband persona for his friends and coworkers, he hadn't put has much thought or effort into keep up the portrayal at home. "After this coming week, things should be a bit more settled and I'll be able to get back into normal work hours, I should think." Jack realized that he would need to make more of an effort at home if he wanted Aunt Grace to believe he was happily married, and that thought exhausted him.

"So, Cassie, you mentioned that you may be planning something with one of the gals you met on Friday night? When are you planning to get together?" Grace asked, trying to release the tension in the air that had inadvertently built up in the last few moments.

"Yes, Wednesday" Cassie replied with a genuine smile that made Aunt Grace happy to see. "I'm going to have lunch with Ella Burton."

"That sounds lovely, should be a great time. She seems very kind, I'm sure the two of you will get along well" Aunt Grace followed up.

Jack was glad that Cassie was making friends, and he and Ella's husband Harold had been friends for a very long time, in addition to working together. He let his mind wander to the fun they could all have together, and how different events would be with Cassie alongside him than they had been in the past when he had brought some of his previous lady friends along. He didn't think that Ella had even seemed interested in getting to know any of them beyond mere acquaintances and it made socializing as couples infrequent and strained. He let his eyes rest on Cassie as she continued to talk with Aunt Grace, her smile and sparkling eyes lighting up her entire face.

Jack decided that he would need to spend more time at home. For the sake of appearances, he told himself, he would need to pay more into the role of the newlywed husband. He had been careless in that regard, spending so much time at work. Surely people there would be questioning this relationship if he didn't make the necessary efforts to portray the devoted husband more than just at parties and such, when Cassie was present. He couldn't help but smile to himself a little, at his resolve to spend more time at home, with Cassie, even though he reiterated to himself that it was all for the purpose of perpetuating the illusion of a happy marriage.

Aunt Grace happened to look at Jack as he admired Cassie, and thought maybe she was wrong after all, and Jack really was just trying to get caught up with work. The way he looked at her was very revealing of his admiration for the young beauty beside her.

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