Chapter 9

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Cassie was waiting for Jack at the top of the stairs. When she had realized he wasn't already up there, she decided she needed wait until he came up, so they could discuss what the plans for the next day would be. She had no idea what was going to happen next or what was expected of her.

"Hi" she said shyly, "I just wanted to know what the plans are for tomorrow and what you would like me to do."

Jack didn't have an immediate answer, as his plans for them had really only gone through today. He hadn't spent much time actually considering what they would do over the next few weeks.

"I'm going to need to go to the office" he finally decided, rubbing his temples with his fingers as he spoke. "I'll probably get up go first thing. So feel free to do whatever you'd like. I'll leave some cash for you for now, and I'll order you a credit card to use in the future."

"Is there anything you'll want me to do... or accomplish tomorrow?" Cassie asked hesitantly, not really sure even what she was asking, but not wanting to seem useless.

"No, just make yourself at home. Aunt Grace will be over, I'm sure. Brandon will be available with the car if you need to go anywhere. Just go get your nails done, or go shopping or do whatever it is you'd do on a Tuesday" he said, having no concept whatsoever of what Cassie might want to do, or how awkward it was going to be for her under this arrangement.

"Ok" Cassie mumbled, not feeling very confident in her new role. "I'll think of something" she said forcing a smile. "Goodnight" she said, and then turned to walk down the hall to her new bedroom.

Cassie unpacked a majority of her belongings, which didn't take very long. She had a few personal items she set around the room, a picture of her parents and a couple of knickknacks, but even after she had finished, the large room still seemed very plain and impersonal.

It was a restless night for Cassie, as she tossed and turned, thinking about what she had just signed up for. She felt a tug of regret, when she considered that she wouldn't be accompanying Lady Dubois to breakfast in the morning and that she would essentially be alone in this giant house that belonged to a man she barely knew.

She spent a few minutes thinking about the man she had just pledged herself to. Her new husband was a complete mystery to her. He was incredibly handsome, with his dark wavy hair that rarely stayed in place, his light brown eyes that seemed to see right through her, and his strong muscular build that was perfectly proportional for his towering frame. She wondered what he was really like, and if the persona she had seen here in his home was closer to the real him, or the frequently drunk and angry version she had witnessed on multiple occasions in the Caribbean. She much preferred what she had seen since arriving at his home, but wondered how much of it was an act for the benefit of Brandon and Aunt Grace.

Cassie wondered if they would become friends, or if they would always be so formal with each other when they were alone. She considered it was probably best to maintain the profession boundaries of a business contract. She didn't want to become too emotionally invested, especially if he turned out to be more like the version of him she had seen when they met. She told herself it would be much easier and simpler to just play her part for the set time, and then she would be free to figure out what she wanted to do with the rest of her life. "I just need to play my part" was the mantra she played over in her mind as she finally drifted into a restless sleep.

Jack wasn't faring much better, as he tried to fall asleep. He couldn't shake the words that Aunt Grace about being concerned about his sudden engagement and marriage. He shuddered to think what Aunt Grace would have thought of Leslie. The leggy beauty he had originally speaking about when telling Aunt Grace that he was getting married. The unfaithful woman he had planned to bring home, that had wanted to bring her friends and replace Aunt Grace with, and who he had found in bed with another man the night before they were supposed to get married.

Jack felt so foolish, and wondered how he was constantly falling into such inappropriate relationships. Looking back, every relationship he had been in for the last several years was very much the same, with a very similar result. He fell quick and hard for a beautiful face, spent a fortune trying to prove his adoration, only to be rejected or cheated on or manipulated in any number of ways.

"Well, not anymore" he said to himself out loud with conviction. "I won't let this one take advantage of me" continued in his mind. Fortunately, I'm on the front end of this and have my defenses in place. I won't let her treat me the way the others have. No more getting walked all over. Once she's served her purpose, she can go and I'll get on with my life" and with that mindset firmly rooted, he rolled over and tried to sleep.

Jack woke up early, with the intention of leaving and getting to the office in time to meet with his peers and lay the ground work for his promotion to partner. He planned to be gone long before Cassie was even awake.

Jack placed some cash and a note with Brandon's information on a table at the bottom of the stairs, in case Cassie needed to go anywhere or get anything. He then walked toward the kitchen to get some coffee before driving himself to work.

The coffee pot had been set the night before, by a thoughtful Aunt Grace, so it was already made and ready when Jack walked into the kitchen. His travel mug was also sitting there ready for him and he began to pour his coffee when his eye caught sight of someone through the French doors of the breakfast nook that opened up onto the porch overlooking the back yard, and the ocean beyond.

Cassie was sitting there, and he caught his breath when he saw her. He could see the outline of her profile, her eyes closed, as she seemed to just be restfully listening to the waves, curled up on the deck chair, her long dark curls moving freely in the gentle breeze, a cup of coffee tightly held with both of her delicate hands. She was stunning, sitting there with the morning light dancing on her fair skin, and he wondered how he had never really even noticed her before. He smiled at seeing her hair down for the first time, impressed that he had accurately guessed that it was in fact curly, but surprised at how long it actually was, as it flowed down past the middle of her back. It was at that moment that he realized he had overfilled his coffee mug, and had splashed hot coffee all over his hand.

"Aaahh" he shouted setting down his cup and rushing his hand under cold water to relieve the pain from the hot liquid.

The noise startled Cassie, who quickly turned to see Jack in the kitchen, and she quickly came inside to see what had caused him to yell out.

"Are you ok?" she asked with concern.

"Yeah, yeah" Jack said, flustered by what had just happened, and grabbing at a towel to clean up the spilled coffee. "I just spilled my coffee."

"Here, let me" she said walking over quickly and taking the towel and wiping up what had spilled on the floor.

"Thank you," Jack said as he used another towel to dry his hands and clean up the spill from the counter.

"I've got to go to work" Jack said, trying to hide the admiration he had just had for her beauty, feeling incredibly self-conscious and berating himself for letting another beautiful woman have an effect on him, when he was so determined just last night not to let it happen. "There's money on the table in the front hall if you need anything, I'll probably be back around 6pm" and he walked away.

A second later he came back in, realizing he hadforgotten his coffee. "Have a nice day" he said sheepishly and quickly walkedaway again, this time with his coffee. He walked immediately out the side doortoward the garage, got his car and left without another word.

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