Chapter Three

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With that, they all went into their rooms to unpack and sleep. The rooms were enormous, with two four poster beds, desks, and wardrobes. Of course, everything was Slytherin green. Their trunks lay next to the beds.

Harry collapsed into the one with his trunk next to it. It was easily the most comfortable he had ever felt, completely full, and not worrying about Dudley and Vernon.

He turned to Theo, grinning. He too had taken a (much more calm) seat on his bed, and still had the potions textbook open. He peeked over it at Harry.

"You should really read this. She wasn't kidding when she said Snape is kind of intense." Harry blinked in surprise, but complied, pulling the book out of his trunk.

He cracked open the book, sighing happily at the smell of fresh parchment. However, as he started reading it, his brow slowly furrowed in confusion.Theo sighed.

"Y'know... I can help you," Theo said hesitantly. Harry looked up. "Just like if you want," He added in a hurry.

"Really?" Theo nodded, beckoning for Harry to sit next to him. Harry sprang up from his bed and plopped down next to Theo.

"Just read it and let me know what you don't understand." He turned back to his own book, clearly assuming Harry could at least read for a moment by himself. He was wrong.

"What's Asphodel?" Theo looked up, surprised. That was one of the first ingredients in the book.

"Er- I think it's a type of lily. It means 'My regrets follow you to the grave' in flower language." Harry nodded.

A few moments passed, and he asked more questions. Theo would answer them and explain until he understood, eventually putting away his own book and peering over Harry's shoulder.

A few hours later, they woke up slumped against each other, the book lying in Harry's lap. Harry's head shot up from Theo's shoulder where it'd been peacefully resting a moment before. He didn't even remember falling asleep, but he felt the most well rested he had in years.

Harry gently shook Theo awake once he had recovered from the fact that he'd fallen asleep in the other boy. However, gently shaking him didn't really do anything. Harry frowned, and shook him a little harder. Nothing.

"Theo?" He called, quietly at first, but getting louder. He flinched slightly once Harry had started actually shouting, but nothing else.

Eventually, Blaise heard Harry's attempts to wake him up and had come in to help. Thankfully, as Blaise explained, Theo was completely fine. Just a really heavy sleeper. Even after Blaise had given up shaking and slapping the other boy and doused him in freezing water, Harry wasn't entirely sure Theo was awake as they made their way out of the dungeons for breakfast.

Once they got there, Blaise immediately shoved a massive cup of coffee at the other boy. Theo took it gratefully, his eyes still half closed.

"Thanks," he said, smiling sleepily at the other boy. Blaise nodded and turned to his own cup, pouring a horrific level of sugar into his tea.

Abruptly, a cloud of owls engulfed the great hall. A look of confusion swept over Harry's face. Draco caught it and whispered "mail" Harry nodded, understanding.

Three owls swooped towards the group, landing in front of Draco, Pansy, and Blaise. Harry caught Daphne and Theo's looks of jealousy breaking through the cold Slytherin masks they wore. He inclined his head at the two in recognition, receiving the same back, if followed by a brief flash of embarrassment.

The three who had received packages eagerly unwrapped them, revealing letters, things they had forgotten to pack, and, in Draco's case, chocolates.

Meanwhile, at the head table, Dumbledore rose to his feet, tapping a spoon against the expensive looking drinking goblet. "Attention, students!" his voice carried throughout the hall, quieting the final murmurs from the assembly.

"I have just a few last minute announcements before we dig in," The man, well, announced. "First of all, like I said last night, the third floor corridor is off limits to all students. All students," He directed the last bit towards a pair of red-haired twins at the Gryffindor table, who made a big show of being innocent to a chorus of giggles.

"Heads of houses will be coming around soon to drop off schedules. Classes start at 9:00. Good luck students, and please enjoy." The headmaster clapped his hands as he had the previous night. A collection of breakfast foods appeared on the tables, and eager hands began grabbing at it.

Soon, a batlike figure with a crooked nose and hair that looked like it had never touched shampoo before descended upon the table. He placed a schedule in front of each student, with what may have looked like disdain on the outside, but a glimmer of pride shone through. A curt nod greeted those who thanked him, and then he returned to the staff table.

"That's Unc- Professor Snape," Draco informed Harry, who looked slightly baffled. Harry nodded slowly. Suddenly, he heard a dramatic sigh from across the table. Harry looked at Pansy, who was looking at the schedule, with a questioning look, as did the rest of the group.

"Well, I have good news and bad news," She said, still disgruntled.

"Spit it out then," Theo replied, still half asleep.

"Well, we have potions first, and a lot of free time, but potions are with Gryffindors-" Draco shuddered slightly. "-And we have history of magic later which is supposed to be deathly boring." A loud groan erupted from Blaise, followed by a thump as his head hit the table.

Conversation continued over the schedules, notable additions including flying- "Still can't believe we can't do quidditch first year," came a mutter from Draco, met by a confused but sympathetic smile from Harry, and Herbology with Ravenclaw on Friday. ("Really? Plants? That's some muggle stuff right there, I'm telling you.")

Breakfast was finished soon after, with the whole group (Blaise, Theo, Draco, Pansy, Daphne, and Harry) hurrying down to the dungeons for their first lesson.

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