Chapter two

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"Oh? Well then, if you're sure, better be... SLYTHERIN!" The last word was shouted to the whole hall, a stunned silence falling over it. Then, a small amount of applause came from the Slytherin table, and Harry breathed a small sigh of relief, walking over to sit next to Draco.

The rest of the first years were sorted, Blaise, being the last, sorted into Slytherin. Everyone that was in the train compartment had in fact made their way to the table with the green runner.

Harry grinned as they all sat down, and barely listened as the old guy (Argus Fumblore?) announced a bunch of things that Harry didn't really understand. (Don't go in the forbidden forest? The forbidden forest. He wasn't going in there anyways, it looked terrifying.)

After that though, the food appeared. It was the most Harry had ever seen in his life. From the looks of some of his friends, it was the most they had seen too. Harry stared for a moment, open mouthed as the upperclassmen started grabbing food like it was nothing. One of the prefects turned to Harry, grinning.

"Well? Go on then." That did it. The first years began shoveling food into their plates. Harry wanted to try everything, the Dursleys may have made these foods semi-regularly, and even had him make it, but they had never let him try it.

"Oh my god," Theo said, swallowing his first bite. "Oh my god."

"Yeah?" Draco asked.

"Yeah." They all laughed, but as they started on their own mountains of deliciousness, they quickly agreed.

Twenty minutes later, all of the food was replaced with dessert. This was piled on again, this time with no hesitation. Draco collapsed dramatically on the table, sighing contentedly."

"That," He started, "Was the best meal of my life. And I've had some good meals." Pansy nodded in agreement, and the rest of them laughed. "Are you telling me I'm wrong?"

"No, you're right," Theo quipped. "You're just very enthusiastic." Draco glared at him playfully, then pushed his plate away from himself.

"I'm going to be sick if I eat anymore," He declared, looking longingly at the half treacle tart and several french macaroons that remained on his plate. Just as he was about to give in and grab one, Dumbledore clapped his hands and it all disappeared.

"S'pose it's for the best," He sighed, looking up at the staff table. Dumbledore pointed his wand at his throat, and then his voice echoed through the hall.

"If you would please join me for the school song?" Students stood up, some grinning, some rolling their eyes, some both. "Please pick a tune, and on the count of three, one, two..." He flicked his wand, and golden lyrics ribboned through the air, twisting and twirling in time with the music.

Everyone finished at different times, the last being some annoying Gryffindors singing a ballad. "Your prefects will guide you to your dorms!" Dumbledore said, and with that, they all left to go to the common rooms.

A girl who introduced herself as Gemma, and looked rather uncomfortable, brought them down to the dungeons. At first, Harry was a little scared because... dungeons, but he loosened up when he saw that it looked pretty much identical to the rest of the school.

That is, until they got to a patch of stone wall, that looked... well, like a patch of stone wall. However, whenever Gemma said the word, 'Parseltongue' (what), it transformed into a small corridor leading to a room covered in green.

The light coming in from the lake? Green. All the sofas? Green? The carpet? Gr- you get the idea. Gemma walked over to one of the sofas and motioned for the first years to do the same. Once they all did, she started talking.

"So. I know that Slytherin has a bit of a... reputation." Harry shot a questioning glance at Draco, but he was looking down. Harry frowned. "However, we do not need to live up to that. Slytherins do not start fights. Of course, defend yourselves when necessary, which believe me-" she gave a sarcastic laugh. "-it's necessary.

"But enough about that, you'll figure it out for yourselves soon enough. Professor Snape is our head of house, and even though he has a bit of a soft spot for Slytherins, I would still suggest doing some of your own research before your first potions class.

"Your schedules will be handed out tomorrow morning. I believe that that's all, unless any of you have questions-?" She paused for a moment, looking around at the group. "No? Alright. Your dorms are upstairs, two to a room. I believe you three," She motioned to Pansy, Millie, and Daphne.

"Are all rooming together, as there were an odd number of first years. Welcome to Slytherin." With that, she stood up, brushing off her skirt and walking over to the other 5th years.

"Come on!" Blaise shouted from the top of the stairs, which he had somehow climbed in about ten seconds. Theo laughed and sprinted after him, followed by Harry, Draco, Vince, and Greg.

"Draco! We're rooming together!" Blaise shouted, once again ahead of all of them. Draco pumped a fist into the air.

"Yes!" Vince and Greg were paired up, as well as two other first years he didn't know the name of. That left...

"You're with me, Harry." Theo was leaning against a doorframe, reading what looked like the potions textbook. Harry sighed in relief. As nice as the others were, he didn't know if he could take their high energy 24/7.

With that, they all went into their rooms to unpack and sleep. 

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