Video with Zayn

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Twamiz P.O.V
I set the camra up. "So, what do I do?" He asked. "Just act normal. " I said he nod I pressed start. "Hello, fellow bad bitches Twamiz here and I have a special guest here...."
I point to Zayn. "Zayn Malik." He said and we clap. "So Im on tour with One Direction. Heres the story. I walked up to the one of the..... attdent bitches. " I said. Zayn laughed. "What?" "Attendent bitches?" He said raiseing his eyebrow. "Yeah, I dont know her name. Anywhore, thats when i met Simon and he told me that I was going on tour with the boys and here I am." I said waveing my hands. "Now, what do we do?" Zayn asked. "Lets wach the unfriend trailer." I said jumping up and down. "OK, here we go. "He grabed his computer and we shared some head phone. When the acount froze I said,"This is this the part where you close your laptop and yeet that shit out the window." Zayn laughed. I just shook my head. Once the tralier was finish I said,"Now were going to close the computer,cuz we can do that in real life." Zayn laughed. "Well, I think its going to be a pretty good ass movie,but....... we know that it would be way better if I was in it ." I said. "Yeah, I think so too." Zayn said. I smiled. Well fellow bad bitches......stay bad. " I said and turned of the camra. I edit the video. I post it and tweeted about it. I sign. "Im going to bed." I said. He nod. I hope things go well tomorrow.

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