Wake up

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Zayns P.O.V
"Aww look at them the're so cute." Some one said. "I know right." There was a diffrent voice, with a sign. There was another voice picture time. I heard snaps. I open my eyes. Same with twamiz. The boys called themselfs hiding. Liam under a table with a see through cover. Harry under a lamp shade. Why do we even have a lamp on a bus? Anyways,Louis beside us. Niall is with louis. I glared at them, "Twamiz,do you want to kill certain people in this room? Twamiz nod,"Yes, I want a certian blond boy and maybe justin beiber styled boy." He said looking at the two. "Oh, that would be lovly I would love to get a certain curly head boy and a certain a brown haired boy." I said looking at the two. "On three?" I nod. "One-two-three." We lunged at them. They screamed, i picked up louis with ease. I got Harry by his shirt. They screamed. I laughed. Twamiz was haveing trouble with Liam and Niall trying to get away from him. I tied Harry and Louis to a chair. I helped twamiz with them. We tied them to a chair. "Zayn bud help us out of this plez." Harry said. I laughed in evil laugh. I made my eyes big and looked at him, i did a deep voice,"Never." He screamed, "What in the hell was that?" I laughed. I took pictures,so did twamiz. "Now while we sleep, you watch spongebob." I said. Twamiz laughed. Liam and Harry said,"NO!" Louis and Niall said,"Yes," I turned on spongebob. They sat there and wach T.V. I got back on the bed-couch. Twamiz got on with me and we went to sleep. We woke up to paul hitting us with a pillow. "What in the hell do you think you were doing tieing up the boys? Oh and staying up all day with out any calls or text." Paul said. "Paul stop worrying nothing happen. Everyone is safe and sound." I said. He just looked at me and said,"Well, this is your first strik.

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