Bloopers (D1)

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here's the bloopers from the cast of descendants one! (Will do some bloopers for descendants two and three and four! including behind-the-scenes of the 4 movies!) (:

~Let's start!~

Dove and Sofia and a little bit and Roxanna were singing the part of rotten into the core with Riya

The girls were dancing and singing

Dove and Sofia and Elizabeth and Roxanna and Riya (Cinnamon and Mal and Magnolia and Evie and Elena):

"Welcome to our" Dove and Sofia sing but Riya accidentally said my 😂

"To my" Riya says accidentally saying my she laughs

" She said my wicked world!" Dove says laughing

The whole crowd laughs

" Sorry" Riya says

During the bleacher scene with Evie and Chad. Sofia accidentally dropped the mirror on her foot

" ow!" Sofia says, touching her foot

The cast laughs. Jedediah Goodacre confronted Sofia to see if she was OK

" are you OK?" Jedidiah says laughing

During the scene when the villain kids arrive at Auradon. Riya falls because she lost her grip which made her scream. Riya's scream made Ariana laugh

The whole cast and crew laugh

" I'm OK!" Riya says

Sofia and Zachary were doing the scene of when Evie shows Doug her chemistry booklet . but Zachary couldn't hold it in because Sofia was being funny and spoke a different language

" Hola" Zack says, laughing and making the crew laugh

Zach and Sofia laugh the cast crew laugh as well


During the classroom scene, Booboo accidentally pushed Cameron to the ground. The whole crew and cast laugh

Booboo smiles and starts to realize what he has done and he laughs as well

In the meeting the villain kids, the people who played the villains just walk

" Bye" Kathy says as the evil queen

" Bring home the gold" Maz says as Jafar

" Bring home a puppy" Wendy Raquel Robinson says as Cruella

" a prince" Wendy Raquel Robinson says as Cruella

" steal as much as you can" Maz says as Jafar

" Call your mother" Wendy Raquel Robinson says as Cruella

" always be stealing" Maz says as Jafar

During the dance of the song, set it off one of the actors dance funnily. The whole crew and cast laugh

During the dorm scene Dove was giggling and couldn't contain her laughter her crewmates Riya and Sofia laugh

During the scene when the villain kids arrive in Auradon and when Jay calls Audrey and Bella foxy. Booboo tries to contain his laughter.

" Hello foxy" Booboo says

Booboo laughs as his cast mates laugh as well

During the scene when the villain kids tried to steal the wand and tried to open the door, when Jade didn't hear Cinnamon say to spell, and did a kick and then he fell the whole crew and cast laugh


During the bathroom scene. Riya had a hard time saying her line.

" Blah blah blah blah blah" Riya says giggling and she didn't know what she was saying she forgot her line!

"Um.. sorry what's my line?" Riya says making Dove and the whole cast and crew laugh

During the scene when Dude chases Carlos. Cameron falls onto the ground. making the cast crew and Mitchell laugh

During the scene when Jane ripped her dress and instantly regretting it, Brenna just clumped her hands through her mouth and shock getting into character, but forgot her line

" Sorry what's my line?" Brenna says making the whole cast and crew laugh


The scene when Cinnamon and Audrey glared at each other, the mosquitoes kept flying towards Riya and made her slap herself The whole crew and cast including Sarah laughs

" Sorry!" Riya says touching her cheek, which she slapped


During the scene when Bella is cheering for Jay. Ariana accidentally punches Sarah on the shoulder. The whole cast and crew including Sarah laugh

"Sorry! " Ariana says as she clumped her hands to her mouth


During the dance of set it off the finale Riya accidentally forgot one move, but she just improvised, and she just made the whole cast and crew laugh


The scene when Ben expresses his love for Mal. Riya was making funny faces that Dove couldn't say her line for saying yes to go to the coronation

The whole cast and crew and Dove and Sofia and Ariana and Sarah and Booboo and Cameron laugh at their costar's silliness

" she ruined my moment!" Dove says, laughing and pointing at Riya


During the scene when Audrey behaves. Riya trips on her very long dress

"AHH" Riya says as she screams

The cast and the crew laughed, and Sarah helped her up

All character cast:

Dove Cameron as Mal

Roxanna Fox as Magnolia

Sofia Carson as Evie

Elizabeth Gillies as Elena

Riya Malik as Cinnamon

Booboo Stewart as Jay

Vanessa Hudges as Juliana

Mitchell Hope as Ben

Ariana Grande as Bella

Sarah Jeffery as Audrey

Kylie Cantrell as Avery

Lily Colins as Ruby

Rita Ora as The Queen of Hearts (Ruby's mother)

Brenna D'Amico as Jane

Jedidiah Goodacre as Chad

Zachary Gibson as Doug

Dan Payne as Beast

Kristen Chenoweth as Maleficent

Keegan Connor Tracy as Belle

Dianne Doan as Lonnie

Melanie Paxson as Fairy Godmother

Kathy Najimy as  Evil Queen

Wendy Raquel Robinson as Cruella de vill

Maz Jobrani as Jafar

Judith Maxie as Queen Leah

Dancers and other performers

That's all of the D1 bloopers and there's going to be more bloopers in D2 and D3 and D4

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