Chapter 3-How Dare You!

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Chapter 3
"How Dare You!"

The next morning no one could remember what they did.

Laura woke up with her dragons hanging from the ceiling fan as it moved around slowly.


Meela woke up with feathers everywhere from the pillows and Bartimus was laying on the floor half naked.


Cassiel was the worst because he woke up completely naked underneath the blankets with a half naked girl on each side of him.

"What the hell?!?!" He looked around and saw the girls who woke up and smiled at him."Good Morning Cass." they giggled and he sighed and laid his head back."I'm What the hell happened last night? And who are you?" They look at each other and then at him.

"You don't remember what we did last night?" He shook his head."Oh god we didn't do... It did we?" One of them giggled and nodded.

Laura got up and walked to Cassiels room, thinking he was alone because she wanted to ask him if he remembered last night.

"Hey Cassiel do y-" she looked and saw the two girls."Laura it's not what you think..." She didn't say anything she just turned and walked out.

"Laura!" He jumped up and put on his clothes and ran after Laura after asking the girls if they could be gone before he got back.

He chased after Laura who he couldn't find but he did find meela who was standing outside in a field looking at the sky.

"Meela! Have you seen Laura?" She looked at him and nodded.

"Can you please tell me where she is I can't find where and I really need to talk to her."

She didn't say anything she just looked up again.

Cassiel sighed and then realized something and he looked up as well.

"Oh crap" he saw Laura flying on deception in the sky laying down.

He couldn't see her face but he could only imagine what it was.

"Do you know if emerald or trinity are with her or down here?"

"She left them down here in case either we had to leave or we needed to talk to her."

She looked to her left and emerald came running over to them. He looked at Cassiel and growled.

"Look I get you must be mad at me, but I really have to talk to her." He thought about it and slowly nodded.

He grew to his big size.
Cassiel nodded gratefully and then slowly got onto emeralds back.

"Alright let's go." Emerald crouched down and then took off towards Laura and deception.

He flew beside them and Cassiel looked at Laura."Laura please talked to me." she didn't look at him as she sat up she just looked forward.

He looked at her."Please. Please just let me explain." She kept looking forward.

He sighed."Fine you leave me no choice." He took a deep breath as he very slowly stood up on wobbly legs on emeralds back.

"I really don't want to have to do this but if it'll get you to talk to me then I will." She glanced over at him and saw him standing up and knew
what he was going to do.

On wobbly legs, Cassiel slowly began to walk along Emeralds green scales and towards his wings. Cassiel was thankful that Emerald moved his wings so they reached to Deception and that he was flying steady. Finally someone's on my side.

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