Chapter 2-Uncle Fritz

Start from the beginning

"Laura is that you?" She nodded

"Hey uncle Fritz." He smiled and hugged her. She smiled a little and hugged him back."It's been a while."
"Yeah yeah it has. How have you been?" He nodded."I've been okay." He looked at Matt and back at her."Who's his?"

"This is my little Brother Matthew. He was just a baby last time you saw him." He nodded and kneeled down to face him."Hey there Matthew." Matt waved shyly and he smiled and stood back up."So what can I do for you?"
"I need to ask you a huge favor Uncle Fritz." He nodded.
"Yeah sure anything just uh come inside and we can talk." He walked inside and left the door open as Matthew and Laura followed him.

"Just make yourself comfortable." They looked around and the walls were covered in animal heads that are hung on the walls.

He had a lamp that was a dead squirrel."So what is this Favor you need to ask me?" He asked as he sat down on his couch. Laura and Matt sat down across from him on another couch."Well, I need you to watch Matthew for a while."

He looks at her."Why would that be?" She sighs and looks at matt and then back at Uncle Fritz."Well, there's a lot of people after me right now and our father is even crazier than you are right now so I just need Matt to be somewhere safe until I can figure out what to do."

He listened closely and nodded."Alright. I'll do it." Laura sighed in relief."Thank you so much Uncle Fritz. You have no idea how much this means to me." he nodded.

"No problem Laura, just promise me one thing." she nodded."Yeah what is it?" He looked at her and then at Matt then back at her. Then motioned for her to follow him away from Matt down the hall.

Once they were out of hearing shot from Matt he looked at her seriously."Promise me your going to come back for him. I mean the kids already lost his mother, technically his father I would hate for him to lose his sister too." she looked at him and nodded.

"I promise uncle Fritz. I will come back for him. I mean he's all I have left mainly for family other than you." He nodded. She hugged him and he hugged her Back."Well I'm going to go now." He nodded."alright Laura."

She walked back to Matthew and sat in front of him."Ive gotta go buddy. Don't worry though. Uncle Fritz is going to take good care of you." he hugged her."I don't want you to go sis." she hugged him back her heart was breaking but she knew it was the right thing to do."I know Matt. But I have to leave you here. you know you can't come with me."

He started to cry which made it harder for Laura not to cry."It's gonna be okay buddy. I'll see you soon okay?" He nodded slowly as he looked at her."I'll miss you bud." He sniffled."I'll miss you too Sis." She rubbed his back and then slowly stood up and walked towards the door.

He walked with her and once she opened the door she turned to him and smiled at him."I'll see you around Door Matt." He smiled as he wiped his tears."I'll see you later sis." Uncle Fritz closed the door behind Laura after she was walking away.

The others saw Laura walking towards them and Cassiel's stood up and looked at her."Laura?" She looked at him and then looked down."I just um, I just need a minute is that okay?"

He nodded."Yeah that's perfectly fine." She nodded."Thank you." She walked towards another part of the field and her dragons got up and followed her.

Meela sighed and watched Laura walk away."I just feel so bad for Laura ya know? I mean first she lost Camden and now she has to leave her brother with someone else." Bartimus nodded."Yeah."

Laura went a bit far away from everyone and sat down not facing them. Her dragons laid around her and looked at her.

Deception put her head in front of Laura and looked at her. Laura? You don't have to be brave in front of us. You can let it out. She looked down at deceptions head and then the tears just started to pour down her face as she hugged deceptions large head tightly and cried.

There there kiddo it'll be okay just let it out. Deception tried to comfort Laura as she let her cry.

Cassiel looked at laura from where he was and was really worried about her. He could hear her quiet sobs from the distance which made him more worried about her. He wanted to comfort her, to hold her in his arms and tell her everything would be alright. But he was to much of a coward to do that.

It felt like hours went by to Laura but in reality it was only ten minutes she had been crying uncontrollably. Finally though she managed to stop her tears.

She let go of deception who had to work out the cramp in her jaw and looked at Laura. Feel better Laura? She nodded. A little bit.

She stood up."Let's go." Her dragons stood up and followed her as she walked back over to everyone.

Cassiel walked over to her and looked at her."Laura? Are you gonna be okay?" She nodded slowly as she looked at him."Yeah. I'll be okay."

He nodded and hugged her."If you want to talk about it I'm here okay?" She nodded and hugged him back."Okay." He smiled and Meela and Bartimus stood up."So where to next?" Meela walks over to Cassiel and Laura as she pulled back from the hug.

"I guess it's off to the next town." She walked over to deception and swung herself onto her back and waited for the others.

"Alrighty then." Cassiel got onto emeralds back and Bartimus helped Meela get into Trinity's back and got on behind her."Alright last one there has to pay the hotel." Deception took off fast.

"Oh no way am I losing this." Meela held onto Trinity as she took off after laura.

"Hey don't leave me behind!" Emerald flew off and tried to catch up to them.

Laura laughed as she stuck the lead for most of the way."Who wants to see a cool trick?" Laura looked back at everyone."Fine but if you lose because of it don't blame me!" Cassiel was right in deceptions tail and gaining speed.

She smiled and stood up and deception."And don't blame me when you freak out!" Deception dove straight down to the ground with Laura still standing up."What the hell?!?!?" Cassiel's eyes widened as he watched the scene unfold.

"Woohoo! Go Laura!" Meela and Bartimus changed from their place behind Emerald. Deception took a right turn straight up again and Laura still stood still on her back.

They pulled back up in front of Emerald again and she smoked and sat down again."I missed that!" She laid down smiling.

"My god your crazy!" Cassiel flew beside Laura as she smiled and sat up."Thanks for pointing out the obvious Cassiel!" She laughed as they reached the next town and landed within seconds of eachother.

"I win!" Laura laughed jumping off of deceptions back.

"Nuh-Uh! It was obviously me!" Cassiel pouted as he slid off of Emerald."Alright guys we obviously lost!" Meela sighed as she and Bartimus jumped down off of Trinty.

"One question? What are we gonna do with the dragons while we are asleep?" Meela looked at laura who smiled.

"Oh that's the easy part." She looked at her dragons."Alright guys time to shrink." They all nodded and turned very small. Trinity and Emerald jumped on Laura's Shoulders while deception clung to her arm.

She looked at Meela and smiled."That answer your question?" Meela was shocked as she nodded."Uh-huh." Laura smiled as she looked around."I'm gonna go for a walk."

"I'm gonna go get us a hotel." Bartimus walked away and Meela followed.

Cassiel however went his own way and looked around.

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