"She was killed" Her eyes widened

          "How old were you?" 

          "I was about seven" He shrugged it off like it was nothing. She knew when people did that it was a way of coping.

          "I'm sorry that happened to you. You didn't deserve that you know" 

          "I know" He rubbed his thumb in a circle on her thigh looking down at it as he did so.

          "What about your dad?"

         "He's been in prison?"

          "In prison for what?" Before he could respond her sales associate cut him off. 

          "Excuse me ma'am, for the other purse we do not have the color you wanted, If you'd like we can order it online or check another store"

          "You can order it, just give us a second" 

          "Take your time." She fake smiled and walked away, obviously ready to get them out of there.

          "We could leave now if you ready. We could finish talking in the car" 


          "My dad's been in jail for murder" 

          "For murder?"

          "Yes, he beat my mother to death" Maya's hand instantly went over her mouth in shock. 

          "And he did that shit right in front of me- You know what I don't even wanna talk about it" 

          Maya felt so bad for him. She felt like she shouldve known the ways he's been acting came from some type of trauma but she had no clue, now she kind of felt bad for how much she pressured him to speak about this. 

          There was a huge energy shift the rest of the car ride home. His hand was on her thigh like always but it was obvious he wasn't alright. His face was emotionless and unreadable. 

          "We don't have to talk about that anymore. I didn't know your upbringing was that bad"

          "Could've been worse" 

          I don't know how much worse that could get but okay. 

          Her eyes shifted down to the Cartier bracelet that was the same gold color as the one he got her. Was funny how she never noticed that before.

          "You never told me when your birthday was though" Neem finally spoke breaking the silence

          "It's next month, January 28th" 

          "What you wanna  do?"

          "Ion know, I'm friendless now. Probably go to my parents' house" She chuckled to herself

          "You not friendless, I'm not gon let you be friendless" 

          She rolled her eyes playfully as the car pulled up in front of their apartment building. He grabbed her bags out the back and walked her back up to her apartment. 

          But she was still sensing some type of silence since he told her everything. 

          "You want the bags on your counter or in your room?"

          "You can leave them on my counter, I'll take care of it" 

          He set the bags down and looked over at her sitting down at her island.

          "You gonna leave now?" Maya asked wondering why he was just staring at her. 

          "Do I have a choice?"

          "Well, I'm going to sleep so..." 

          "Can I come by tomorrow?" She looked him up and down, she could tell he didn't want to leave.

          "Yeah just let me know before though"

           He grabbed her chin and kissed her cheek.

           "Lovey dovey ass" Maya teased with a smile on her face.

           "Go to sleep" 



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